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06 Most Common PCB Issues

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The Printed Circuit Board, or PCB board for short, is a material that can be used in the construction of any electrical device. An electronic malfunction could occur if something goes wrong on this component. The steps to designing and assembling each circuit board are extensive because there are so many things that can go wrong at these two stages: either one might not have enough power supplied by an external source; or it may simply lack components necessary to transmit signals correctly through its inputs and outputs ports.

How can you spot these common PCB issues? First of all, if the circuit board has acid traps then this means that they need more copper in order carry away any excess flux during assembly since solder is an acidic substance and will corrode the surface easily. In addition, starved thermals mean that no conductive material such as metal was used on those components which greatly increases heat emissions from them and may cause early failure or even fire hazards. Damaged circuit traces can be a hassle to fix, but PCB trace repair kits make this job easy. This infographic shares the most common PBC issues.  


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