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C++ is a powerful programming language that is widely used for developing complex software applications. To write and compile C++ code, you need a good code editor that can help you to write efficient and error-free code. In this article, we will discuss some of the best C++ editors for Windows.

Tutorial Freaks:

Tutorial Freaks has an c++ compiler , biggest advantages of Tutorial Freak is its ease of use interface,  It is intended for both beginners and experts, with a basic and user-friendly layout. and includes features like code highlighting and live preview. It also has a lot of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tutorials and resources. It also provides many tutorials and resources for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Visual Studio:

Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that is widely used for developing software applications in various programming languages, including C++. It is a powerful tool that provides a comprehensive set of features that can help you to write efficient and error-free code.

Visual Studio comes with a built-in compiler, debugger, and code editor, as well as a vast library of plugins and extensions that you can use to enhance its functionality. It is available in both free and paid versions, with the paid version offering additional features.


Code::Blocks is a free and open-source C++ IDE that is widely used by developers. It is a powerful tool that comes with a built-in compiler and debugger, as well as a code editor that supports syntax highlighting, code completion, and automatic indentation.

Code::Blocks also has a vast library of plugins and extensions that you can use to enhance its functionality. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and is free to download.


Eclipse is a popular IDE that is widely used for developing software applications in various programming languages, including C++. It is a powerful tool that comes with a built-in compiler and debugger, as well as a code editor that supports syntax highlighting, code completion, and automatic indentation.

Eclipse also has a vast library of plugins and extensions that you can use to enhance its functionality. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and is free to download.

Sublime Text:

Sublime Text is a lightweight and fast text editor that is widely used by developers. While it is not specifically designed for C++, it supports syntax highlighting and code completion for various programming languages, including C++.

Sublime Text also has a vast library of plugins and extensions that you can use to enhance its functionality. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and has a free trial period before you have to purchase a license.


Notepad++ is a free and open-source text editor that is widely used by developers. While it is not specifically designed for C++, it supports syntax highlighting and code completion for various programming languages, including C++.

Notepad++ also has a vast library of plugins and extensions that you can use to enhance its functionality. It is available for Windows and is free to download.

In conclusion, these are some of the best C++ editors for Windows. Choosing the right editor depends on your personal preferences and specific needs, but all of the above-mentioned editors are excellent choices that can help you to write efficient and error-free C++ code.

Bonus Tips:

If Looking to write and test C++ code online then I will suggest you Tutorial Freak. Tutorial Freak‘s C++ compiler makes it easy to run programs and get instant results. With a simple and user-friendly interface, you can start coding in c++ compiler online right away.