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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) practitioners know the importance of maintaining their gear. A high-quality BJJ gi and rash guards, whether long sleeve or short sleeve, are essential investments in your training. Proper care extends their lifespan, keeps them looking good, and maintains their functionality. However, many people make common mistakes when washing their bjj gi, leading to premature wear and tear. In this article, we’ll discuss ten common mistakes to avoid when washing your BJJ gi, long sleeve rash guards, and short sleeve rash guards.

1. Washing with Harsh Detergents

The Problem

Using harsh detergents or bleach can be very damaging to your BJJ gi and rash guards. These products can weaken the fibers, cause discoloration, and even lead to skin irritation.

The Solution

Opt for mild, fragrance-free detergents. These are less likely to damage the fabric or cause allergic reactions. There are even detergents specifically designed for sportswear that are more gentle on the fabric.


Look for detergents labeled as “gentle” or “sensitive” to ensure you are using a product that will be kind to your gi and rash guards.

2. Washing on High Heat

The Problem

High heat can cause significant shrinkage and damage to your BJJ gi and rash guards. Cotton gis are particularly susceptible to shrinking when washed in hot water.

The Solution

Always wash your gi and rash guards in cold water. Cold water is effective at cleaning while being much gentler on the fabric, helping to prevent shrinkage and maintain the integrity of the material.


Check the care instructions on your gi and rash guards for the recommended washing temperature.

3. Overloading the Washing Machine

The Problem

Overloading the washing machine can prevent your gi and rash guards from being properly cleaned and can cause undue stress on the fabric. It can also lead to uneven wear and tear.

The Solution

Wash your BJJ gi and short sleeve rash guards separately or with only a few other items. This ensures they have enough space to move around and get thoroughly cleaned without being damaged.


Consider hand washing if you are worried about your gi and rash guards being treated too roughly in a washing machine.

4. Not Pre-Treating Stains

The Problem

Sweat, blood, and other stains can set into the fabric if not treated promptly, making them difficult to remove later.

The Solution

Pre-treat stains as soon as possible using a gentle stain remover or a solution of water and mild detergent. Apply the solution to the stained area and let it sit for a few minutes before washing.


Avoid using bleach or other harsh chemicals to pre-treat stains as they can damage the fabric.

5. Using Fabric Softener

The Problem

Fabric softeners can leave a residue on your BJJ gi and rash guards that affects their breathability and can cause skin irritation. They can also degrade the elasticity of rash guards.

The Solution

Do not use fabric softener when washing your gi or rash guards. Instead, use a mild detergent and rinse thoroughly.


If you want to soften your gi, add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle. Vinegar is a natural fabric softener and won’t leave a residue.

6. Drying on High Heat

The Problem

Drying your BJJ gi and rash guards on high heat can cause significant shrinkage and damage to the fabric, just like washing on high heat.

The Solution

Air dry your gi and rash guards whenever possible. Hang them up in a well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. If you must use a dryer, use the lowest heat setting.


To speed up air drying, hang your gi and rash guards in front of a fan or in a breezy area.

7. Not Washing Frequently Enough

The Problem

Not washing your BJJ gi and rash guards frequently enough can lead to a buildup of bacteria, which can cause unpleasant odors and even skin infections.

The Solution

Wash your gi and rash guards after every training session. This helps to remove sweat, bacteria, and any other contaminants that may have accumulated during training.


Having multiple gis and rash guards in your rotation can make it easier to always have a clean set ready for your next training session.

8. Not Securing Velcro or Zippers

The Problem

Velcro and zippers can catch on the fabric of your BJJ gi and rash guards during washing, causing pulls and tears.

The Solution

Before washing, secure any Velcro straps and zip up any zippers. This helps to protect the fabric from being damaged.


Washing your gi and rash guards in a laundry bag can also help to prevent damage from Velcro and zippers.

9. Ignoring the Care Label

The Problem

Ignoring the care label can lead to mistakes in washing and drying that can damage your BJJ gi and rash guards. Each gi and rash guard can have specific care requirements based on the materials used.

The Solution

Always read and follow the care instructions on the label. This information is there to help you maintain your gear in the best possible condition.


If the care label is worn out or missing, refer to the manufacturer’s website for care instructions or contact them directly for guidance.

10. Storing Your Gi and Rash Guards Improperly

The Problem

Storing your BJJ gi and rash guards improperly can lead to mold and mildew growth, especially if they are stored while still damp.

The Solution

Make sure your gi and rash guards are completely dry before storing them. Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.


Using breathable garment bags or hanging your gi and rash guards can help prevent moisture buildup and keep them fresh.


Taking care of your BJJ gi and rash guards is essential to maintaining their longevity, functionality, and appearance. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your gear stays in top condition for as long as possible. Remember to use gentle detergents, wash in cold water, avoid high heat drying, and follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer. With proper care, your BJJ gi and rash guards will serve you well through many training sessions and competitions.