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10 Early Symptoms of Pregnancy


Online Gynecologist Consultations have made it easier for women to seek medical advice and guidance on matters related to their reproductive health. If you suspect you may be pregnant, missed periods are often the first sign, but there are other symptoms you should be aware of.

Pregnancy is typically accompanied by a missed period, but other symptoms can also indicate a potential pregnancy, especially if contraception wasn’t used. Early pregnancy symptoms can often mimic premenstrual symptoms, leading you to believe your period may be imminent.

While some women experience symptoms before missing their period, others may not experience any at all. The early signs of pregnancy can vary from woman to woman. Here are some of the most common early symptoms of pregnancy:

Breast Tenderness: Pregnancy hormones can cause breast soreness, tenderness, or even pain. This is one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy.

Bloating and Constipation: The increased levels of progesterone in the body slow down the digestive tract, leading to bloating and constipation, which are common early signs of pregnancy.

Fatigue: Feeling tired throughout the day is very common in early pregnancy. Inability to sleep at night and daytime sleepiness can also cause fatigue. This happens because your body is working extra hard to support the growing pregnancy.

Mood Swings: Irritability, depression, and mood swings during early pregnancy are not uncommon. The increase in the level of hCG hormone and fatigue often make you prone to moodiness.

Cramps and Backaches: These symptoms, often mistaken for premenstrual symptoms, can also happen early in pregnancy. They are due to the enlarging uterus and hormonal changes happening in your body.

Frequent Urination: You might notice a need to pass urine more frequently. This happens because the enlarging uterus puts pressure on the urinary bladder, and the kidney produces more urine due to an increase in blood supply.

Implantation Bleeding: After about 10 to 14 days after conception, the fertilized egg implants into the inner lining of the uterus, causing vaginal spotting or bleeding at around the time of the expected period. It is usually lighter in quantity and shorter in duration. This is called implantation bleeding, but it might often be mistaken for periods.

Headaches: Headaches in early pregnancy may happen for a variety of reasons. The common reasons are fatigue, eyestrain, inability to sleep at night, dehydration or low blood sugar levels due to acidity, nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy, caffeine withdrawal, nasal stuffiness or congestion, and changes in blood volume.

Heartburn, Burping, and Nausea: Heartburn, burping, nausea, heightened sense of smell, food aversion, and morning sickness usually appear after the sixth week in most pregnant women.

Pregnancy Pimples: Many women experience a sudden breakout of pimples during pregnancy. The hormonal changes associated with pregnancy cause the sebaceous glands to produce extra sebum, leading to clogged pores and acne.

Feeling sick during pregnancy

You may feel sick or be sick. This is commonly known as morning sickness, but it can happen at any time of the day or night. Morning sickness symptoms usually start when you’re around 4-6 weeks pregnant. If you’re being sick all the time and cannot keep anything down, see your doctor. You may have hyperemesis gravidarum, a serious condition in pregnancy that causes severe vomiting and needs treatment.

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