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What is Cervical Spondylosis?

Cervical spondylosis is most often called arthritis of the neck. It is the medical term used for the age-related, wear and tear changes that occur with time. Cervical spondylosis is extremely common these days. With ageing, the discs in the spine start losing height and begin to bulge. They also lose lubricant, begin to dry out, and weaken. This bone overgrowth is called bone spurs, it may narrow the space for the nerves and spinal cord to pass through the stenosis. Bone spurs may also lead to decreased mobility in the spine. Let's know how to overcome Cervical Pain with Yoga Asanas

According to Ayurveda, this condition occurs due to Greeva graham which is a condition with a cardinal feature of stiffness that is exactly suited and it is similar to cervical spondylosis. Greeva stands for neck and graham stands for stiffness. It is explained as vata dosha. The increased amount of Vata dosha leads to the depletion of body tissues. For example, with ageing Vata dosha increases and the tissues of the body begin degenerating.

The dryness, as well as degeneration caused due to vata dosha, leads to a decrease in kapha dosha. Shleshaka kapha is responsible for cushioning of joints between bones. Therefore, disc degeneration leads to cervical spondylosis. Few people compare this condition with another disease known as Vishwachi or Apabahuka. Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis is very useful to get relief from chronic cervical pain. 

Causative factors

  • Causative factors of Greevagraha ( Cervical Spondylosis) are as follows :
  • Food habits that increase Vata Dosha: –
  • Intake of dry, frozen, processed and spicy food
  • Awakening at night
  • Sleeping in day time
  • Heavy stressful exercise
  • Suppression of the urges
  • Stress, Sudden Anger, grief, fear.
  • Weight bearing in the head, shoulder or neck
  • Strenuous walking for long distances
  • Access use of laptop and mobile.

Yoga importance for Cervical Spondylosis

Yoga helps in relaxing the stiffness of muscles quickly. With regularly practising yoga asanas body becomes more flexible and rejuvenates the mind body and soul. Yoga for cervical spondylosis proves to be very beneficial.

It calms down the nervous system as well as improves posture of the spine. Furthermore, it makes the spine more flexible. It also strengthens wrists and shoulders.

Additionally, it massages the digestive organs and improves digestion and tones the abdomen. It also provides relaxation of muscles and improves blood circulation of the body. There are various yoga asanas which prove to be very useful in curing the cervical spondylosis.

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)

  • Setu bandhasana is derived from the Sanskrit word Setu which means bridge, bandha which means lock, and asana which means pose.
  • This pose resembles the structure of a bridge.
  • It strengthens the body and stretches the muscles of the neck, back and chest.
  • It helps in toning the spine.
  • Hence, this asana improves posture and it proves to be beneficial for sedentary lifestyle people.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

  • This asana stands for the Sanskrit name Bhujanga which means cobra or snake and asana which means pose.
  • It is an effective yoga pose for cervical pain, and spine and shoulder stiffness.
  • When the spine is stiff, nerve obstruction occurs. This leads to other problems in the body.
  • The cobra pose helps in reducing the severity of cervical spondylosis pain.
  • This asana, especially the backward bending of the spine helps improve flexibility. It improves blood circulation, as well as strengthens the entire back and shoulders.

Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)

  • This asana stands for the  Sanskrit word Go which means cow, Mukha means face and asana means a pose.
  • It effectively maintains your body, can boost your mood, brings more positivity and improves your physical and mental well-being.
  • It is of great help in sciatica as well as it cures stiffness and frozen shoulder.
  • It strengthens the muscles of the neck, back, hip, thigh, armpit, and shoulders.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

  • Dhanurasana is derived from the Sanskrit name Dhanush which means Bow and asana means pose.
  • It can straighten drooping shoulders and hunch back. It can help to tone the arms and legs.
  • It helps in stretching the neck, shoulders and chest muscles.
  • It gives ample stretch to the complete body, which helps in strengthening the back and abdominal muscles, ankles, arms, legs, and groin.
  • It opens the chest, neck, and shoulders. It improves the flexibility of the back and increases blood circulation throughout the body.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Seated Spinal Twist)

  • Ardha Matsyendrasana stands for Ardha means Half, Matsyendra means King of the fish, and asana means pose.
  • It makes the spine more flexible as well as tones the spinal nerves and improves the way the spinal cord functions.
  • This asana helps to stretch the muscles on one side of the body whereas compressing the muscles on the other side.
  • It increases the elasticity of the spine due to the twist of muscles.

Chakravakasana (Cat cow pose)

  • Chakravakasana yoga pose is a dynamic pose that gently helps in warming up the body and preparing you for almost any type of yoga asana practice.
  • This pose increases the flexibility of the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and spine.
  • This helps in improving the blood flow in the pelvic region and spine.
  • As this pose creates spinal flexibility, which keeps the natural space between the vertebrae.
  • This asana activates the Manipura (navel or solar plexus chakra), which resembles the personal transforming power of body, mind and soul.

Salamba Bhujangasana (Sphinx Pose)

  • It is one of the yoga poses for cervical pain.
  • The practice of Salamba Bhujangasana (Sphinx Pose) helps in stretching the entire back, mainly the muscles of the spine, stretches the chest and shoulders, the abdominal muscles, neck, and the arms.
  • It eases the pressure on the back and lower back.
  • This posture also helps strengthen the entire back and relieves back pain.
  • It also strengthens the core muscles of the abdomen.

Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)

  • The word Makarasana is derived from the Sanskrit words makar means crocodile and asana means pose.
  • This is an effective yoga for cervical spondylosis. It offers relaxation to the shoulder and spine.
  • Staying in this yoga asana for a prolonged period of time might help normalise the vertebral column’s shape.
  • It can also release the compressed spinal nerves.
  • It reduces stress and tension, promotes sound sleep, regulates blood pressure and helps in reducing anxiety.

Ardha Navasana (Half Boat Pose)

  • It is one of the neck-strengthening yoga asanas.
  • This is the Sanskrit word Ardha which means half Nava means boat and asana means pose. Hence, it is half boat pose.
  • It strengthens the muscles of the spine and this yoga in neck pain relief is useful.
  • It improves the abdominal region that activates the Manipura chakra (Solar plexus).
  • It tones the overall muscles of the body and builds strength in the body. Additionally, It improves the posture of the spine. This yoga asana also boosts digestion power as well as leads to strong immunity.


In this way, theabove-givenn yoga asanas are effective for cervical spondylosis as yoga relaxes muscle tension and stiffness, and increases muscle flexibility in a natural way. Yoga reduces neck and back pain and improves posture. It is an excellent way to get rid of neck pain in an efficient way. Through the practice of yoga on a regular basis, any tension that the body is holding can be released. Yoga can be useful in treating even chronic neck pain. Thus, practicing yoga daily is an excellent way to get rid of Cervical Spondylosis.


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