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You may ace any exam, even the Gk and current affairs exams, by using the focus, memory, and study habits you develop with these exam study techniques.
Candidates applying for government employment in India are asked to answer questions on general knowledge and current affairs in the majority of government exams and competitive tests in India. For UPSC, Banking, Railways, and other competitive exams, GK knowledge, and current affairs are given a lot of weight because they are seen as crucial components of a student's education, especially if they intend to work in the public sector.

10 Best preparation tips for the Gk & Current affairs exams

You'll find a list of exam study and preparation strategies in this post that will help you ace in memorizing GK question answers by improving your focus, concentration, and study habits.

1. Read the newspapers-
According to many UPSC top scorers, reading about daily current affairs in newspapers or online is the most crucial test preparation advice for the current affairs segment of the exam.
List the most significant news of the day in a notebook and include an intriguing fact about it to assist you to remember it in order to increase your general knowledge of the news and current affairs. Before the exam, review and memorize the information you have written down by going through these study notes.

2. Quit stressing about forgetting-
Recalling facts is the key to memorizing current events and general knowledge questions and answers. When you want to learn facts, you usually put a lot of effort into it and may rely on tools like organizers to improve your memory. However, if you worry that you'll forget the information after learning it, the act of worrying itself will cast doubt on your abilities.
In the end, you won't have anything to recall rather than having remembered the information. This is because your propensity to worry really prevents you from remembering what you need to.

3. Rely on the ability of intention to recall-
Your capacity to retain information on typical general knowledge questions and solutions has a significant impact. It will perform wonders and improve your ability to remember if you use the power of purpose to remember what you learned. Setting an intention to remember will offer you the assurance that you can and will be able to recall the material you just learned.

4. Make good use of your selective memory-
The most intriguing element about memorization is that it involves selection, which is crucial for students studying for exams.

The learner can avoid superfluous words and focus on crucial facts simply by choosing important or significant details to include. The method is to read or study the content in its entirety, then go back and review it, noting significant concepts along the way.
It is crucial to read the entire text before choosing key passages to memorize since you can never memorize something without fully comprehending the context in which you are learning it.

5. Revision is essential for recall-

You shouldn't be studying something brand-new when you study for an exam. Recalling previously taught information is quicker and simpler than learning something entirely from scratch. This is why it's crucial to review your study materials.
The Curve of Forgetting states that if you don't review what you've learned, you'll probably forget 50 to 80 percent of it in the next 24 hours. Your brain receives a strong signal to retain that information when you process the same information again.

One of the most effective revision strategies to raise recall is as follows:
“If you spend 10 minutes reviewing something within 24 hours of learning it, you will remember practically all of it. It will just take five minutes to “reactivate” the identical material one week later. Your brain will just require 2 to 4 minutes to recall it after day 30.”
Therefore, review your notes each day after class. The review doesn't have to be extensive. Look at the subjects from the day or any notes you made. By doing so, you offer your brain an additional opportunity to process the information.
One of the greatest exam tips for students is to apply this revision strategy because it will reduce the amount of time and learning required for any subsequent study.

6. Do online mock test for Gk mock test and current affairs-

Doing practice tests or online mock exams for the GK quiz will help you improve your memory recall, which is another of the greatest study tips for exams that many UPSC toppers have recommended.

7. Where you study is important-

The greatest place to prepare for tests is somewhere with few distractions. Most pupils favour doing their work at home. However, for other people, the distractions of home—television, interruptions from family members, and social media—can be too much. It could be beneficial to study in an environment that is comparable to the testing location. You might relate specific subjects to the environment when you study.
So, if you take the test in a setting similar to that one, you can remember these associations more quickly. For instance, it can be beneficial to study at a library or a college lecture hall if your test will be given in a lecture hall.

8. Determine whether you study best alone or in a group-

Some people learn best in a group setting because they can seek assistance from others in their weaker areas. They might also learn important information about what they missed and the crucial areas to concentrate on for the test from others.
However, some people study better alone. They are aware of their course of study. A group might be distracting since some members may talk about unrelated topics or try to do everything but study. Choose the strategy that works best for you and stick with it since only you can decide which of them is the best way for you to prepare for a test.

9. Try out different study methods- 

There are many techniques you can employ while studying. You can utilize memory-enhancing strategies including association, imagery, and mnemonics. You can also experiment with various methods, such as reading your textbook, going over the course notes, responding to questions in the textbook, completing previous assignments again, going over previous exams, doing online research, speaking with others, and more. To determine what works best for you, experiment with a variety of study techniques and keep note of your progress.

10. Take frequent breaks to rest your mind-

Instead of studying for long periods of time, most people find that studying in short bursts is more effective. The likelihood that you may overload your brain with knowledge while studying for long stretches of time rises.
Even if you study for fewer actual hours, you can remember more by adding breaks in between sessions. This method of remembering, known as spaced repetition, maybe the most effective method available for enhancing your brain's capacity for recalling the material you learn. You won't have to take in all of this knowledge at once if you study in short bursts, and your mind will have a chance to relax. Additionally, you ought to review your studies in progressively longer intervals. If you learn the first ten digits of PI, for instance, you might try to review them in one minute, then two minutes, then four minutes, and so on.

Thanks for reading! Happy learning.