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Adopting a new puppy is an exciting time for any family. Whether you are looking to add a furry friend to your home or want something cute and cuddly, long-haired German shepherd puppies might be the perfect fit for you! They're known for their beautiful coats and friendly personalities, but what else should you know before adopting one of these adorable pups? In this blog post, we'll cover ten reasons why long-haired German shepherd puppies make great pets that will love your whole family.

Reason #01: They're Hypoallergenic

Many people with allergies can tolerate long-haired German shepherd puppies because they are hypoallergenic. This means that they don't produce as much protein that causes allergic reactions in some people. If you or a family member suffers from allergies, a long-haired German shepherd puppy may be the best choice for you.

Reason #02: They're Great With Kids

German shepherds make great family pets, but long-haired German shepherds puppies take this even further with their affectionate and gentle natures. They love to play and run around with kids and will always be happy for a good game of fetch or tug-of-war.

Reason #03: They're Extremely Intelligent

 Long-haired German shepherd puppies are some of the most intelligent dog breeds out there. This makes them easy to train and very obedient. Your puppy will be housebroken and well-behaved with just a few short training sessions. You can discipline them with incentives, and they will be ready to take orders in no time.

Reason #04: They're Great Guard Dogs

While all German shepherds are naturally protective of their families, long-haired German shepherd puppies take this to the next level. Their thick coats and large size make them intimidating strangers, making them excellent guard dogs.

Reason #05: They're Extremely Loyal

German shepherds are known for their loyalty to their families, and long-haired German shepherd puppies are no exception. Once they form a bond with you, they will be by your side through thick and thin.

Reason #06: They're Easy To Groom

 Long-haired German shepherd puppies have beautiful coats that need regular grooming. However, this is easy to do with a few simple brushing sessions and good-quality dog shampoo.

Reason #07: They're Protective Of Their Home

German shepherds are known for their protective natures, but long-haired German shepherd puppies take it one step further by marking their territory as they see fit. If they feel that their home is being threatened, they will bark and stand between you or your family members and the potential threat until it leaves. These German Shepherd dogs will leave no stone unturned to keep their owners happy and safe.

Reason #08: They're Great With Other Pets

German shepherds are known for getting along well with other pets in a household, but long-haired German shepherd puppies take this a step further. They love to play and run around with other animals, making them the perfect addition to any home.

Reason #09: They're Low Maintenance

As we mentioned before, long-haired German shepherd puppies are low-maintenance dogs. This means that they don't need a lot of exercise or grooming and can be happy living in an apartment as long as they get plenty of playtime.

Reason #10: They're Easy To Train

As we mentioned before, long-haired German shepherd puppies are brilliant and easy to train. Clicker training and a few short training sessions will have your puppy obeying your every order in no time! This means that you won't have to spend hours using positive reinforcement to teach basic commands or house rules.

Reason #11: They're Social Mediators

German shepherds are known for their calm temperaments. Still, long-haired German shepherd puppies take this to the next level with their ability to mediate between other animals or family members. If there is ever a disagreement or conflict in your home, your long-haired German shepherd puppy will be more than happy to step in and help restore peace.

Reason #12: They're Not Hyperactive

German shepherds are known for their active natures, but long-haired German shepherd puppies take this to the next level with calm and gentle dispositions. If you want a dog that will be happy staying inside for most of the day or just relaxing with you, then this is the perfect breed for you!

Reason #13: They're Cuddly And Affectionate

If there's one thing that German shepherds are known for, it's their affectionate natures. Long-haired German shepherd puppies take this to the next level–forget about a dog that will nudge you for attention. They'll be happy to curl up with you on the couch and cuddle!

Reason #14: They're Great For Big Families

German shepherds are excellent family dogs, but long-haired German shepherd puppies take this to the next level. Not only do they get along with kids and other pets, but they are also gentle and loving with them. If you have a big family, this is the perfect breed!

Reason #15: They're Great For First-Time Dog Owners

German shepherds are easy to train and gentle with kids, but long-haired German shepherd puppies take this a step further by being better suited for first-time dog owners. They're low-maintenance dogs that don't require a lot of exercise or grooming, making them the perfect pet for those who are new to the world of dog ownership.

Reason #16: They're Good With Elderly People

German shepherds are known for their protective nature, but long-haired German shepherd puppies take this a step further by being good with older adults. If you or a family member is elderly, then you'll be happy to know that this breed is both loyal and gentle.

Reason #17: They're Affordable In All Aspects

German shepherds are expensive dogs due to their high maintenance grooming needs, but long-haired German shepherd puppies take it a step further by not requiring any special grooming. This means that you'll be able to find one of these puppies at an affordable price, no matter where you look.

Reason #18: They're Perfect For Cold Weather

German shepherds are known for their thick coats, but these shepherd puppies take this to the next level. If you live in colder climates or enjoy taking your dog on walks during cold weather, then these dogs will be happy to keep warm with you!

Reason #19: They're Great Watchdogs

German shepherds are known for their protective nature, but shepherd puppies take this to the next level by being excellent watchdogs. If you're looking for a dog that will bark and alert you when someone is at the door, then this is the perfect breed for you.

Reason #20: They're Affectionate And Loyal

German shepherds are known for their affectionate and loyal natures, but these shepherd puppies take this to the next level by being even more devoted than other dogs. If you want a dog that will be with you through thick and thin, then look no further!


There are many reasons to adopt a long-haired German shepherd puppy, but you'll be hard-pressed to find any that outweigh the benefits of owning one. If you want an intelligent, affectionate, and loyal dog, then a long-haired German shepherd puppy is the perfect breed for you! These dogs make great companions for everyone, from families with young children to older adults who need loving company around them at all times.


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