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Spanish is a complicated language and anyone who says otherwise is lying. The fact is that the language of Cervantes is made up of many variations and exceptions, so that the same sentence can be constructed in many different ways, without changing its meaning. Native speakers of Spanish are able to understand all these variations and usually use them without much effort. Therefore, although it is true that the phonetics are easy to understand, some phrases can be very complicated to understand for people who have not learned Spanish from a young age.

It is true that those countries where Romance languages such as French, Italian or Portuguese are spoken have it easier, since the grammar has certain similarities with Spanish. But it must also be taken into account that each country has its own rules and customs. For example, there are words that are used in Spain but not in Mexico and vice versa. However, this does not mean that learning Spanish is mission impossible. It does, however, require effort and time. But to make it easier for you, here are some tips to learn Spanish faster.

But before you start, don't forget that the best way to learn Spanish is to take classes in one of the best English schools and it's called “Learn Spanish“.

1. Be patient

Many students expect to learn Spanish quickly and begin to lose motivation when they realize that this is not the case. To speak a language well you need to invest time. Obviously we cannot expect to be speaking Spanish like a native in a few months. Therefore, it is important to go step by step and set challenges that we can meet without too much difficulty. Reward yourself for your achievements and avoid setting unattainable goals.

2. Study Spanish abroad

It has been proven that people learn Spanish faster when they are immersed 24 hours a day in a native-speaking country. Salminter's students say that their Spanish improved significantly thanks to the Spanish classes in Salamanca because they combined them with the practice of what they learned in daily and real situations. Therefore, taking a Spanish course in Spain is the best way to learn the language, while at the same time living new experiences.

3. Read in Spanish

The level of Spanish can be improved considerably by reading small articles or short stories on a regular basis. It is also an excellent way to learn common words and expressions quickly. In this way, in addition to learning phrases that you can use in your daily life, you will become more confident in your reading and writing skills.

4. Organize yourself and your work

Nowadays we have a lot of resources available to learn Spanish, so it is easy to get overwhelmed by notes, notes, books and websites. Therefore, it is important to make sure that we review everything we have learned and understand it. Then we can organize the material in a way that makes it easier to follow. Because there is nothing more desperate than constantly searching for key information among the hundreds of sheets of paper on the table.

5. Label everything around you

Both students and teachers agree that labels are a very effective way to memorize important words and phrases in Spanish. For example, you can place them on furniture with post-it notes with what they mean and memorize them as you move around the house. This way, you can concentrate your efforts on perfecting your Spanish in the most important areas.

6. Watch movies with Spanish subtitles

This is one of the easiest and most fun activities for learning Spanish. Try to spend time watching TV and movies in Spanish or watch them in your native language but with Spanish subtitles. This is very useful when we want to improve our spoken and listening Spanish. We recommend that you try to watch movies that you have already seen, as this way you will not have to focus so much on the plot and you can focus more effort on the language itself.

7. Use flashcards

A flash card is a small card or piece of paper that you can carry around during the day and look at quickly if you need to. If you hear a word very often as you go about your daily routine, write it down on a flash card. Also, if there is a word or phrase that you are struggling with, write it down on a card.

8. Learn with a friend

Learning Spanish can be very frustrating when the results don't come as quickly as expected and it can seem like a never-ending process. The best way to avoid demotivation is to find friends who can support you. Learning Spanish with a friend means that you can practice outside of class, since the activities at home are usually only related to reading and writing. If you decide to take a Spanish course in Spain, you will have the opportunity to meet other people to practice with in your daily life and also organize fun activities with them.

9. Spread out your time

It is impossible to learn everything at once, but it is common to start studying the week before or the night before. Ideally, you should distribute your time better and do it in short periods of time through small weekly tasks instead of binge studying before the exam. This way you will also be able to know where you are failing and focus on improving them before the next class to make the learning process more effective.

10. Join a Spanish-speaking community

Many people from all over the world want to learn Spanish like you. You can find communities of people who want to practice with other Spanish learners. Nowadays, thanks to new technologies and communication facilities, this is very easy. Moreover, if you live in Spain you can meet them in person and go out together.

Ultimately, remember that learning a foreign language can be challenging and frustrating at times. Progress will depend on the effort you put into it and the resources you have at your disposal. But remember that it can also be fun and rewarding.