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Video marketing is a highly effective approach to attract your audience. It's a relatively new addition to the world of digital marketing in its current form. YouTube was founded in the year 2005. It started with a small following and has since changed the digital landscape.

According to a recent Google poll, six out of ten individuals prefer to watch online video platforms over live television. Since the first commercials aired on television, video marketing has been used. Traditional commercials, on the other hand, no longer have much of an audience thanks to Netflix and online streaming.


Since then, the focus has turned to the digital domain, and YouTube video marketing has evolved to meet the needs of its new, mass audience. Some of the most effective ways to employ video marketing for your business are YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Here are ten strategies to make video marketing work for your business!

1) Make Your Brand Known

A video may say so much more about your company than words alone. This is due to the fact that it is so immersive. Your prospective buyer receives just visual input when reading a line of text. Instead, have them view a video, which allows you to combine colour, sound, voice tone, and much more.

Your consumer will be significantly more receptive to these details. They'll be able to immerse themselves in your brand's tale.

Your message doesn't have to be complicated to be effective. Video marketing is fun to watch. You can say a lot more about your brand in 30 seconds with speech, visual effects, movement, music, and imagery than you can in a line of text.

According to a HubSpot poll, 64% of users are more likely to purchase a product online after watching a video (Source: Hubspot) Don't stress about HD quality or flashy editing; instead, focus on a genuine tale rather than a forced sale. With videos, you can quickly get your marketing message out there.

2) Reach out to new audiences

YouTube has a daily audience of 30 million people. Because of its vast user base, it is one of the most effective ways to reach a large audience quickly.

It's likely that your website receives a decent amount of traffic if it's already SEO-optimized and has a lot of inbound links. If your site's traffic has plateaued and you want to increase it rapidly, use video marketing to attract interested visitors from all over the world.

Start small and gradually expand your internet video presence. Try substituting a video for your regular monthly blog article and see how well it goes.

Go live on social media and use an exclusive offer or bargain to attract people to your website. As your site's traffic grows, keep an eye on it.

3) Disseminate Important Information Or Announcements

A video is the quickest way to transmit your message to customers, whether you're anxious to promote a new home walkthrough for a real estate development, a flash sale, or the introduction of your new cosmetic line.

Go live to share special bargains or information with your audience, or publish news with a short video clip.

Users can ‘go live' and broadcast video content to their entire social following on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. These apps also inform followers when someone goes live, allowing you to reach people right on their phones right away.

Your fans will be able to keep up with your brand in real time. This is also a good approach to thank your present social media following. Publish breaking news or announcements; live video is quite popular on Facebook and Snapchat these days, so a live broadcast has a good chance of gaining popularity. Make sure the tape can be viewed afterwards, and promote the event aggressively on social media in preparation. Snapchat receives over 10 billion daily video views, according to a report by Omnicore.

4) Capture the mind's eye

YouTube music video promotion service, like traditional content marketing, is an effective way to communicate a storey. Videos, on the other hand, can instantly connect with people's emotions in a way that words simply cannot.

Consider sorrowful music with cute photos of a lost puppy, or happy music and party video. Video material is so engaging that it transports viewers away from their everyday lives. It appeals to their emotions as well as their creativity!

Text or static images perform considerably worse than video clips. They provide an escape for your viewers, holding their attention long enough for your brand to connect with them. A well-produced video clip will be successful for years and provide a significant return on investment. Videos are an excellent method to tell the storey of your company. To attract the attention and imagination of your leads, try using a client testimonial, instructional video, or demonstration.

5) Improve SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key to achieving top rankings and online exposure. Google is the world's most popular search engine, as well as the parent corporation of YouTube. As a result, YouTube is a very powerful search engine in and of itself. With an integrated video on your website, you have a far better chance of ranking online. It allows for SEO-friendly headlines, long tail keywords, and backlinks to be used.

Viewers are turning to YouTube for solutions to their questions, just like they would in a typical blog post. Focus your content on what your audience is looking for, and you'll get the views, shares, and links you need to climb the ranks. When you embed your video on your website, it will improve your SEO.

6) Attract Visitors To Your Website

On our phones and tablets, people all over the world consume hours of video content every day. This gives you the ability to hold a potential customer's attention for considerably longer than text alone, while also allowing you to communicate your brand's message and storey!

The viewers are online; all you have to do is appeal to them, and you'll have access to a massive audience. If you discover that people are watching your videos but not going to your website or subscribing, try adding a call to action to boost your click-through rate. Users will be reminded to follow up and click for more information if you provide a link or subscribe button at the end of your video.

Including a video in your email marketing campaign is another great approach to bring consumers to your site via videos. This increases the number of views and shares on your videos while also driving traffic to your website. According to a Hubspot post, using a video in your email marketing increases click-through rates by 200-300 percent. (Photo courtesy of Hubspot) Statistics like these can't be ignored.

7) Maintain Your Existing Website Traffic

User involvement on your website is taken very highly by search engine algorithms. When your site's bounce rate is high, it means that users come to your site but leave nearly immediately. This phenomena is usually penalised by Google and other search engines, and your site's ranking will suffer as a result.

This is because if users leave your site quickly, it means it isn't engaging their interests or addressing their inquiries properly.

A video, on the other hand, is a great approach to get a user's attention. When you embed a video on your website, visitors will watch it, which will keep them on the site for longer. This will significantly boost the amount of time consumers spend on a given page. This improves your bounce rate as well as your search engine ranking position. Keep your visitors interested and entertained on your website!

8) Quickly disseminate information

Without a question, one of the reasons video marketing is becoming so popular is its ability to transmit enormous volumes of information in a short amount of time. Users may spend several minutes to read a site page, and they are more likely to scan rather than read your material thoroughly.

People are in a rush, and you only have a few seconds to grab their attention. That is where video marketing may make a significant difference. Keep your video under a minute long and get your main point out in the first ten seconds, which is when three-quarters of ad recall happens. Despite its speed, your message will be remembered by your audience.

9) Inform Potential Clients About Your Services

You can utilise instructional or demo videos to teach your viewers how your services work if you specialise in a specific product or service. There's a good chance that no one knows your items better than you do. Make a simple and instructive “How To” video to share your knowledge. Quick clips make it simple to educate your audience about your items. This will also demonstrate your experience and increase viewer confidence in your company's capabilities. Make yourself an authority on the subject, and your subscribers will eagerly await your lessons.

10) Increase Your Sales!

Your YouTube video promotion campaign's primary goal is to increase sales of your product or service. When your leads are familiar with your brand and see a demand for what you offer, this happens. Video marketing is gradually becoming the most effective approach to keep your brand in front of your users' minds. You can keep people interested, informed, and enthusiastic about your company. And eventually, this will result in sales.

According to Unbounce, adding a video to your landing page may increase conversions by 80%, and video ads have considerably greater click-through rates than any other digital advertising platform. Videos can increase conversions by making products or services look more appealing.

Visit the Video Boosters Club YouTube channel to learn more about how video marketing campaigns may benefit your business.