1. Health

10 Ways Water Helps You Live Longer

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How long do you expect to live and enjoy your journey of life? It is difficult to answer because no one knows the future. But, in reality, people of 21st century are living longer. While there are several reasons behind this, according to experts, much of the credit goes to the increased availability of clean water.

At present, you can find water purification systems for sale at affordable prices everywhere in New Zealand and around the world. In other words, more people are now able to drink and use clean and good quality water. But how does clean water help you live longer? Let’s find out.


1. Reduce daytime fatigue:

Feeling tired and exhausted all day long is one of the first signs of dehydration. Did you know that even a small drop in your body’s water level can be harmful for your health? Though most people don’t realize this, fatigue and lethargy that they experience could be due to mild dehydration.


2. Help with memory:

While drinking more water might not improve your memory, drinking less water or unsuitable water can adversely affect your memory. Our brain is the most important organ in your body, and 95% of our brain is water. Hence, dehydration or drinking polluted water can decrease your mental energy and mental limit, making the memory function more damaged.


3. Keep your skin healthy:

Like other cells in our body, our skin cells are also comprised of water. This also means that without clean water, your organs will not function properly or at their best.


4. Help with digestion:

If you want to be healthy, it is critical that your digestion process is excellent. Our digestive system relies on water to break down food. Hence, lack of water can harm your digestive system as well.


5. Nutrient absorption:

Water is the compound that helps with the transfer of nutrients and oxygen to the cells. Besides, water is essential as it keeps everything moving in our body as they are supposed to.


6. Help remove toxins:

Water is a natural lubricant that helps with softening stools and helps with smooth bowel movement. Without sufficient water, the matter present in your colon can dry out and stall out, causing constipation in the end. Hence, it is highly recommended to drink enough water daily.


7. Improve circulation:

Drinking adequate amount of water is essential to maintain the circulation of blood, water, and oxygen in our body. Due to dehydration or drinking less water than required, you may develop a variety of health problems that you may not even realize that they are caused due to lack of drinking water.


8. Regulate your body temperature:

Water is vital to control internal body temperature and store additional warmth in the body.


9. Lubricate joints:

The lining of the ligament present between our joints also use water for lubrication. As a result, if you don’t drink enough water, you may develop ache or other issues in your joints.


10. Reduce the risk of cancer in colon and bladder:

It has been proven that drinking sufficient amounts of water can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45 percent and bladder cancer by 50 percent.


Since water is used by almost every part of our body for various purposes, it is essential that you supply your body with clean potable water. If you and your loved ones are still drinking unfiltered water, buy a quality and affordable water purification system for sale right away to lead a healthy life.