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Do you speak cat?

Yes, rolling eyes is a purrfect response.

If you live with cats, you’ll know how your feline’s no response is a loud response. They ignore you, and you still know they care (plus, those little random moments they decide to show their affection!)

But since we do have that obvious communication barrier, how do we know our cats are happy, healthy, and eating nutritious food?

Simple: we watch for the signs they give us!

But, that’s not all. Making sure you’re providing your cats with the right food will already put you one step ahead.

Here are the best cat food brands for indoor cats you should be buying for your kitty:

Signs Your Cat is Healthy and Happy

1. A Lifted Tail

Cats and lifted tails? A purrfect way to tell you they’re happy! Every time your kitty looks at you and walks straight to you with its tail lifted — it’s telling you that it feels content, happy, and safe. A sure sign of good health!

2. Always Well-Groomed

Do you ever marvel at the beauty of a cat grooming itself? The intricate way they cleans their face, paws, toe beans says a lot about their good health!

If your cat is always busy groomingitself, it’s actually doing pretty well. They want to look and feel clean and beautiful.

3. No Digestive Problems

Your cat’s poop matters. Yeap. A good indicator of your cat’s health is the consistency and smell of their poop.


It’s a reflection of their diet.

If your cat’s feces are firm, it shows that it has a healthy gut. On the other hand, cats with loose stools are usually on a high-fat diet (which can lead to health problems).

Notice smelly cat poop? Feed them the best cat food for smelly poop mentioned here.

Tip: Make sure your cat doesn’t eat any of these toxic foods usually found in your home.

4. Eyes That Yell “HAPPY!!”

Oh yes, eyes show a myriad of emotions, not only in humans but in animals too!

When cats are in a great mood, their pupils become slightly bigger. (You must’ve noticed those big round eyes shining and happy!)

You’ll know and you’ll see the signs of happiness and contentment clear as day!

5. They’re Comfortable

 A healthy cat will have that well-known “I don’t care” body language. This shows that they’re comfy and relaxed. They walk like they own your home and your heart (they do, don’t they?).

On the other hand, a cat who isn’t well-nourished will be more lethargic, have trouble breathing, or have other visible health issues. 

6. Ears Facing Forward

Cats’ ears are another way to tell how healthy they are. If they’re relaxed and facing forward, it shows the cat has sharp hearing. If your notice that your cat’s ears are folded back against their head, they’re probably upset or alert.

7. Shiny Coat and Healthy Skin

A healthy cat has a bright sheen coat and skin. On the other hand, a cat that’s not well will have a dull coat, hair loss, and problems with infections and parasites like fleas or ticks. 

8. Playful

Who says cats don’t play? A sure sign of a healthy cat is how one’s always ready to play! They love pouncing and chasing objects, they’re chattier, running around, and indulging in their instinctual prey-seeking behavior.

9. Healthy Appetite

Cats who refuse to eat or have no appetite might be ill and need medical attention.

Indulge them a bit with healthy human food that’s perfectly safe for them. Find it here.

We also have a list of homemade cat food recipes that’ll delight your catto’s tastebuds.

10. They Sleep A LOT

Is your cat always lazily lounging on the bed, sofa, or some other corner of the home, oblivious to the world? That’s just so cat-like! Healthy cats sleep a lot because they need energy for the times they’ll have to hunt (even if they don’t hunt!) 

11. Purr, Purr, Purr

And they purr! Healthy cats purr loudly every time they’re happy, relaxed, and well-nourished. They also communicate a lot more! They’ll purr, meow, rub up against your legs, and demand attention!

What’s Better Than Catnip for Your Cat? Nutritious Cat Food!

We all know the woes of cat lovers — the inherent picky nature of these beautiful god-sent little felines. Same food twice? Mmhmm. Same food thrice? A sniff, a turn, and off they go leaving the bowl of food untouched.

But, once they get food that they love, they lick the bowl clean, groom their faces, and come to you softly purring.

Who will not fall for such a show of affection from animals that are known to be self-obsessed? (except one cat-lover to another).

When it comes to cat food, there are tons of options out there. You can’t depend on the grocery-store reviews either. So, what do you do?

To save you the hassle, Daily Cat Food provides the most comprehensive cat food guides by animal nutrition experts. With their nutrition tips and helpful guides, you can make informed decisions for the utmost health, safety, and well-being of your furry friend!

Their well-researched cat food brands are reliable and will help your cat stay active, healthy, and strong!

The experts at Daily Cat Food have studied the genetics, diets, anatomy, and life cycles of different cat breeds to bring to you information about cat food brands that are nutritionally right for your cat.

They offer a variety of recommendations for cat owners, including the best cat food by breed, ingredients, health issues, and brands.

So, if your little purrfect pal has health conditions, then you can check cat food guides by Daily Cat Food for detailed information about best food for cat hair loss, shedding,bad teeth, cats that are vomiting, diabetic cats, smelly poop, and much more.


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