Many of us believe in the power and healing properties of crystals. You can easily find people wearing crystals in a form of pendants, beaded bracelets, necklaces, and more.

If you are reading this article, this means you are also a believer and looking to find the best crystal for you. We have made a list of different crystals along with their power and healing properties so that you can choose the right crystal for you.

Types of crystal 

1. Rose quartz 

Rose quartz is famous for providing unconditional love to the wearer and the people around him. This stone is also used for healing emotions and evoking love. When a person wears rose quarts, they can feel love entering their body and brings their consciousness to a higher level. It helps in restoring confidence and self-esteem.

2. Onyx

Onyx is also known as the stone of healing of protection. This stone protects you from people who only think about themselves and take all the positive energy from you. This stone provides inner strength and prevents negative energy from entering your body. It negates the effect of negative energy on your mind and body. It also relieves you from feeling like depressions, stress, and anxious.

3. Lapis Lazuli

This crystal is connected with the third eye and it is best used for meditation. This blue speckled stone expands your awareness and opens your mind to new ideas. This stone is all about promoting expression and honesty. When a person wears this stone, it helps them master their consciousness.

4. Amethyst

The stone of peace, protection, and sobriety. This violet color stone is widely used as jewelry. When placed against the skin, it works as a stress reliever and removes all the negative energy around you. It also helps a person meditate. People believe that if you keep this stone under your pillow, it can cure insomnia.

5. Moonstone

Moonstone is also known as the stone of calmness and femininity. Named after the moon itself, this stone is a symbol for women. It enhances their feminine energy and provides them protection during childbirth and beyond. Another reason why the moonstone is famous is that it improves fertility in women, aligns hormone production, and improves the reproductive system.

6. Pearl

This stone enhances the femininity and honesty in a person. This crystal encourages openness, brings out the truth, and negates the effect of negative energy and behavior. People believe that this stone helps them get in touch with their inner self.

Pearl also helps a person realize the problem that they face in their daily life. Wearing a peal bracelet allows them to see their life from a different perspective. You can find women wearing peal jewelry at weddings and other occasions because it carries positive energy.

7. Turquoise

The stone of truth and well-being, turquoise is known to bridge the gap between heaven and earth. The stone also helps in bringing out open and honest communication.

8. Selenite

Selenite is used to rejuvenate the auric field around you. The crystal is known to clear bad vibes and envelope you with more peaceful and positive energy. Use it as a wand to draw out all the negative energy and obstacles that stand in your way.

9. Citrine

This bright yellow crystal helps those who are feeling stuck. It provides confidence to the wearer and gives them self-confidence. If you place citrine on your belly, the crystal will loosen up the knotted energy within you and restores good energy around you.

10. Jade

Jade is also known as a portable lucky charm. It is said to bring prosperity both in the material and social realm. When you wear jade on your left hand, it will bring blessing from the universe. Plus, jade jewelry looks quite elegant as well.

11. Chrysocolla

Known as the all-in-one crystal, it aids all of your body chakras. People believe that when you wear chrysocolla, you might be able to see a flash of the future.

While meditating, place this crystal on any of your chakras to re-activate them, which allows them to perform to their best ability.

12. Rhodochrosite

People believe that this stone is made for breakup recovery. The stone is used to stimulate the heart chakra, which helps in building self-love. It also provides a positive outlook and gives you the confidence required to find love.

Now, that you are aware of different types of stones and their unique properties, you should be able to find the right crystal for you. If you are trying to find crystals store, just use the internet. You will be amazed to see the number of both online and offline stores near you.


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