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14 Farming tips and trends to enhance potential yield

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Growing your yield can be a very rewarding experience, but it can also be frustrating if you don't know what you're doing with the grains, crops, and soil. There are many different agriculture equipments, tips, and trends that growers follow across the country, and in this blog, we will explore some of the most important ones to enhance potential yield.

Here are tips and trends that are followed by the growers across the country:

  1. Sensors and mapping software:: Sensors and mapping software to help farmers apply inputs such as fertilizer and pesticides only where they are needed, increasing yields while reducing inputs costs.
  2. Drones: Drones are being used more frequently to help with crop scouting and yield analysis. A drone is agriculture equipment that is self-propelled by an electric motor or a gas engine and is used to navigate autonomously or through remote control.
  3. No-till farming: No-till farming is a management practice where the soil is left undisturbed after harvest. This helps keep moisture in the soil and reduces erosion. Although, not many tillers and furrow closers are effective in no-till farming. However, Germinator Closing Wheel is an excellent furrow row closer that works on all soil conditions including no-till.
  4. Biotechnology: Biotechnology is the use of living organisms or their components to improve or create products. Some biotechnology applications in agriculture include using genetically modified crops and using enzymes to break down crop residues into biofuels.
  5. Robotics: Robotics is the use of machines that can be programmed to perform certain tasks, such as picking fruit or harvesting vegetables.
  6. Precision agriculture: Precision agriculture is a management approach that uses technology to help farmers make better decisions about how they manage their crops. This includes things such
  7. Genetically modified crops: Genetically modified crops continue to be a hot topic. There is still a lot of mistrust of GMOs among some consumers, but many farmers are seeing the benefits of using them.
  8. Use of cover crops: The use of cover crops is increasing, as farmers realize the benefits of adding these crops to their rotations, such as increased soil health and reduced erosion.
  9. Perennial crops: There is a lot of interest in perennial crops, such as switchgrass and miscanthus, for use in bioenergy production.
  10. Agritourism: Farmers are increasingly interested in agritourism, using their farms to provide opportunities for people to learn about agriculture and enjoy farm-fresh food.
  11. Antibiotics free: Livestock producers are looking for ways to reduce their dependence on antibiotics, through things like better nutrition and biosecurity measures.
  12. Aquaculture: Aquaculture is growing rapidly, with more farmers looking to add fish and shrimp to their operations.
  13. Automation: There is a lot of interest in using automation in agriculture, particularly for tasks like crop scouting and weeding.
  14. Farming Equipment: Farmers are always looking for new and better ways to till the soil, plant crops, and harvest them. There is a lot of innovation happening in this area, with new farming equipment being introduced all the time.


These are some of the most important trends and tips that growers are following across the country. No matter what type of agriculture equipment and farming you are involved in, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest information so you can increase your yields. By paying attention to what is happening across the country to enhance crop production, farmers can stay ahead of the curve and continue to produce safe, nutritious, and affordable food.


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