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Pregnancy is a beautiful phase of life, as every woman wishes to go through. The essence of motherhood is best felt during pregnancy. Women are gifted with quality and blessed to give life to a new human being on this earth. During her pregnancy, there can be many health-related issues due to the fluctuation of hormones. Also, let us not forget that carrying a baby in the womb before birth can be tedious for many mothers, which can give rise to a common health-related problem– Backache During Pregnancy.

So, let us help you with this problem of backache, which arises due to many causes of pregnancy. Identifying and treating the cause of backache can help in better diagnosis and relieve the patient. Women must be blessed with this phase of pregnancy at ease, comfortable, and stress-free life. A must-read for every woman who is suffering from backache during pregnancy to have a stress-free atmosphere of“ no- pain” feel during pregnancy.

There are many reasons for this, some of which are responsible for natural changes in the body.

Back Pain During Pregnancy

Why does back pain occur in pregnancy?

Back pain during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, is quite common. Since the ligaments in your body naturally become soft and stretched, you are easily prone to pain. This can range from mild pain, pain caused by specific activities, or intense pain that interferes with your daily routine.

What causes back pain in pregnant women?

Hormone flow

Certain hormones released in the body during pregnancy help the uterus increase in size by loosening the joints and ligaments of the pelvic bones attached to the spine.

In this condition, the joints are not able to support the body as much as they usually are, which can lead to severe back pain.

Gravitational force

As the child grows, the body tends to stretch forward, causing changes in posture to keep the body balanced.

His change in body posture can lead to lower back pain.

Gaining weight

The extra weight of your baby can put pressure on your back.

Increased stress level

Pregnancy is a stressful period in which there is pressure on vulnerable areas of the body and muscle tension. This can cause pain in the body, especially in the back.

Pelvic area dilatation

The concentration of estrogenic hormones increases during pregnancy, causing the pelvic area to expand. As this activity progresses, it can cause severe pain in the lower back and thighs, which can lead to pain when walking.

