1. Family & Home

2 BHK Or 3 BHK: Which is The Best Home Option to Buy in Hyderabad?

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Deciding between a 2 BHK and 3 BHK in Hyderabad depends on your lifestyle! Let me share a friendly guide to help you out:


  • If you have a smaller family, a 2 BHK might suffice. For larger families, a 3 BHK offers more space.
  • Consider your budget and affordability. 2 BHKs generally cost less than 3 BHKs.
  • Evaluate your lifestyle and space requirements. You may need extra space for a child's room, guest room, or home office.
  • 3 BHKs tend to have better resale value compared to 2 BHKs.
  • Consider your long-term plans and whether your housing needs may change over time.


I highly recommend Candeur Lakescape because it offers both! I recently visited their site, and they have well-designed 2 BHKs and spacious 3 BHKs with amazing lake views. Plus, it's a secure gated community! Whether you're a couple or a family, they might have the perfect option for you. Check them out!