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20 Reasons Why You Are Not Getting Pregnant?

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Here are a few general and medical reasons for you to analyze why you are not getting pregnant.

1. Too much sex or insufficient amount of sex: We all have a fundamental need to have sex as a means of both pleasure and reproduction. When it comes to this, individuals sometimes go to the extreme. In certain cultures, it is thought that having too much intercourse might lead to pregnancy. However, this may not be the case all the time. Frequent sexual activity may produce health issues such as weariness, dizziness, weak knees, and urine. Both partners may not be interested in intercourse at this time, since the true fertile window is now open. Because of this, you as a couple will not be able to have a family in the future.

2. Cutting down on intercourse to store sperm or just having sex at the time of ovulation may be to blame. 

However, prolonged periods of sexlessness may negatively impact your fertility. When sex is restricted, you may miss your fertile period since you may not always be accurate about your ovulation. Make an effort to have sex on a regular basis and pay attention to when you go through menstruation.

3. Anxiety and worry: If you're stressed, you'll have a hard time becoming pregnant since your physical and mental health will suffer. Depression and anxiety, on the other hand, might have a negative impact on your ability to conceive. When attempting to conceive, you should have a peaceful and balanced state of mind. The pituitary gland is controlled by the hypothalamus, which is affected by stress. Adrenal, thyroid, and ovaries are all controlled by this gland, which might cause irregular periods.

To increase your chances of conceiving, you should allow yourself some time to get out of the stress period. There are a variety of ways to combat stress, such as joining a support group or seeing a psychologist, participating in yoga for fertility, and meditating.

4. Mankind's quandary: Low sperm count and poor sperm motility are two of the most common reasons for infertility (due to structural abnormalities). 30 to 40% of infertility difficulties in couples may be attributed to this cause.

Getting an evaluation and therapy from a doctor or fertility expert is the first step. If you have poor sperm count or motility, testosterone supplements or Clomid may assist.

5. After having sex, you rush to the restroom: Cleansing up after sex is common for many women. For the sperm to reach the egg and fertilize it, it is necessary to remain in bed for a while after intercourse. When you hurry to clean up after a sex act, gravity takes the sperm down with it, and the rest of it gets washed away. Moreover, this might be one of the natural causes of infertility in women.

To increase your chances of conceiving and becoming pregnant, focus on relaxing and resting in bed for a bit after sex.

6. Tried-and-true methods may be hindered by lubricants: Male sperm's motility and quality might be negatively affected by the use of lubricants, which can make fertilization more difficult. Lubricants should be avoided or replaced with fertility-friendly ones.

In certain circumstances, the egg may be spontaneously aborted, while in others, the pair may suffer from impotence. In order to conceive, though, you must allow yourself a year. For diagnosis and treatment, if things haven't worked out by then, you may contact a doctor. Infertility is caused by diverse factors in men and women. 

Female infertility is caused by the following medical conditions:

7. Periods of inconsistency: It is more difficult for women who don't menstruate frequently to conceive. Inconsistent ovulation means that conceiving without an egg is difficult, and irregular periods are a sign of this. As a result, the less often you ovulate, the less likely you are to get pregnant.

How can I conceive if my periods are irregular?

Unusually irregular periods may be treated by seeing a doctor who can help you identify the underlying problem. You should also eat a nutritious diet, exercise moderately, and take fertility-enhancing vitamins as prescribed by your doctor.

8. Endocrine disorder: Patients with this condition have an abnormally large number of endometrial cells outside of their uterus. Fertilization may be prevented or the fertilized egg may not reach the fallopian tubes if the fallopian tubes are blocked by this substance. Painful bowel motions, frequent urination, and a sense of fullness in the bladder throughout the menstrual cycle may all be symptoms of this disorder, as well as irregular and/or painful periods.

What is the most likely course of action?

If you have endometriosis, you may or may not need surgery to identify and stage your condition. To accurately diagnose endometriosis at the very same time, laparoscopy is usually indicated. Most but not all instances of endometriosis suppression lead to fertility.

9. Problems with ovulation Unusually irregular ovulation hinders the release of viable eggs from the ovaries in around 20-40% of cases of female infertility. There are some women who never ovulate, and there are others who ovulate every few months. Ovulatory problems may be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal imbalances, extreme weight gain or reduction, strenuous activity, or high levels of stress.

What is the most likely course of action?

A low-carbohydrate diet, exercise to enhance insulin sensitivity, and prescription drugs may be prescribed by your doctor to help you manage your condition. Gonadotrophins, Clomifene, Prolactin Suppressants, or IVF cycles may be prescribed as ovulation stimulators in the future.

10. A condition is known as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): A hormonal imbalance disrupts ovulation, causing it to be a difficult disorder. Ovarian follicles and maturation are disrupted by small cysts that grow in the ovaries. Some of the other probable symptoms include irregular menstruation; weight gain; increased hair growth; and acne.

What is the most likely course of action? 

Dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as medical therapies including Inositol supplementation, ovulation-stimulating medications(gonadotropins, clomifene), and IVF, may treat PCOS, as can IVF alone.

11. Tuberculosis is one of the many illnesses that affect the: A clogged or damaged fallopian tube prevents sperm from accessing the egg and preventing pregnancy. For example, sexually transmitted illnesses, inflammation of the pelvis, or fertilization procedures might cause these disorders.

What is the most likely course of action?

IVF or laparoscopic surgery might be used to open and mend the tubes.

12. The egg's role: In the late 30s and early 40s, the quality of the eggs and the number decreases. At birth, women have between one and two million eggs, which decreases to 300,000 by the time they reach adolescence. Then, roughly 300 ovaries develop and are released. There are fewer and fewer eggs in your body after menopause.

If are you searching for the Best IVF Center in Patna at an affordable cost, Diwya Vatsalya Mamta IVF Center offers affordable world-class treatments like IVF, ICSI, IUI, Test tube baby treatment, and infertility treatment at affordable prices.Today call now at +91 9771038137,9798651114 for details.

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