1. Artificial Intelligence

20 Tech articles to stay updated!

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The easiest way to create Arabic chatbots [without coding]
For more than 300 million Arabic speakers in the world, our chatbot platform has an efficient NLP engine trained in the Arabic language offering RTL support.

19 software development principles you need to know!

Software design principles focus on empowering you to handle the complexity of the design process in a more effective and efficient manner.

8 benefits of using AI in cybersecurity
Cybersecurity: the ever-evolving tech. But what happens when we add some AI in the mix? Read this article to find out the pros and cons of AI in cybersecurity

Cohesion and Coupling

Cohesion and coupling in software engineering are two important factors that gauge the functional interdependence of a module while building apps.

How to use Docker for Automation Testing?
Docker is a Platform as a Service that provides OS-level virtualization. Docker makes it easy to create, deploy, and run applications using containers.

🤖 32 Best AI memes for 2023 (AI memes created by humans)

Are you looking for some fun AI-themed humour? Here's a list of 32 AI memes you need to check out (and laugh at). Enjoy these AI-themed …

How to Create WhatsApp Chatbot in 5 Steps [For Free in 2023]
How to create WhatsApp bot? · Step 1: Picking the right platform · Step 2: Pre-requisites for deploying chatbots on WhatsApp · Step 3: Setup and …

A walkthrough on partitions in MySQL
In this article, you're going to learn about the types of partitions that are supported by MySQL, and how to use them. This is handy with large-sized tables.

11 ways to promote your Shopify store in 2023
Trying to get the word out and promote your Shopify store? Here are 11 uncommon tactics you could use. How many did you already think of before reading this?

3 ways to exceed your customer expectations
Bad experiences are powerful at driving your customers away. But can you keep them coming back for more if you understand their expectations and exceed them?


How to address the most complex customer queries in real-time
Imagine that you could answer the most complex customer queries in real-time, without forcing your customers to wait on hold. Here's how you make that happen!

7 most innovative chatbots the world has witnessed!
Innovative chatbots are being used for everything from customer support to COVID-19 awareness campaigns. Here are the 7 most unique use-cases of chatbots

Top 30 Marketing Influencers you need to follow for 2023
Get inspired by these phenomenal marketing influencers, who are all exceptional and bring their own unique take to revolutionize business strategies.

AI in Gaming | 5 Innovations Changing The Future of Gaming
Wondering how AI is used in gaming? From NPCs to decision-making to cheating, even world-building, Game AI has a ton of uses. Learn what it's all about!

Chatbot automation: Get rid of the monotony
Chatbot automation fixes all repetitive business processes? But, what do you have to keep in mind while creating them? Curious to know? Find it out now!

Designing customer experience through an Experience Framework
The CX framework allows businesses to identify issues and opportunities, drive tangible results and help customers by focusing on their top priorities.

6 easy steps to reduce your customer churn rate
It's always hard to say goodbye to a customer. The next step is to find out why they left. Here are 6 ways to help you reduce your customer churn rate.

Video calling: When words fail, let your agents speak
For the days when text just won't do it, enable video calling for customer support and service with Engati. For tips, best practices, and more read this article

Can you create memorable customer experiences affordably?
Does it have to be expensive to craft experiences worth remembering? Here's how to create memorable experiences without spending a ridiculous amount of money.

Diving deeper into the chatbot ecosystem
The ecosystem of chatbots is evolving with technological advances and chatbots are starting to take up complex automation tasks and getting better at it.