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With the holidays quickly approaching, it is arguably the most critical time of the year for retailers. Consumers are actively researching products for the holidays and getting ready to make their purchases. As more and more consumers turn to Amazon to do their holiday shopping, it is vital to ensure your brand has high visibility on Amazon with an effective Amazon PPC strategy for holiday sales success.

If your Amazon catalog is up-to-date and optimized, you will need to ensure your consumers see your products. Using effective Amazon PPC campaign types will help you increase your brand and product visibility, plus drive more sales. In this blog post, we will discuss the 3 tips to help you achieve holiday success.

The Impact of Covid-19 on Festive Season Sales

Naturally, many retailers might be wondering what to expect this Christmas with so much uncertainty going into the holiday season. The good news is that all the data points towards a solid Christmas in terms of consumer spending – the key questions are how and where consumers will spend their money this year.

So, where are consumers going to do their Christmas shopping? Well, Amazon sales growth is expected throughout the holiday season, so a presence on Amazon is pretty key for all retailers right now.

How To Make Full Use of Amazon Advertising This Christmas?

To help retailers maximize sales on Amazon this year, here are 3 essential tips that advertisers should use on their Amazon PPC campaigns.

1. Make Sure Your Daily Budget is High Enough

Keep in mind that users spend more time on Amazon than usual during the holiday season, and sales are significantly higher than at other times of the year. The last thing you want to do is limit Christmas sales because your budgets are too low to maximize campaign performance.

Set a daily budget that’s high enough to keep your ads showing and not miss out on potential sales. Many customers buy products on Amazon during the festive season, so your usual daily budget might run out in the middle of the day.

As per Amazon’s guide to marketing, the key is to calculate predicted ROIs based on existing campaign performance and increase or redistribute your budget to maximize revenue.

2. Use Dynamic Bids to Maximize Sales

Amazon offers several dynamic bidding options that use artificial intelligence to maximize campaign performance. Amazon recommends using dynamic bids – up and down for the holiday season, automatically adjusting your bids to maximize sales.

With this bidding strategy, Amazon Advertising raises your bids (by a maximum of 100%) in real-time when your ad may be more likely to convert a sale and lowers your bids when less likely to convert to a sale.

According to Amazon’s festive marketing guide, this Amazon PPC strategy will help you get the most out of your Christmas advertising budget without manually optimizing bids throughout the day. Given the sporadic nature of holiday spending, this allows you to react to purchase intent as it changes without getting bogged down in campaign optimization.

3: Refine Campaigns with Keyword Types

Amazon’s final tip is a three-step process for using keyword match types to refine the relevance of your campaigns. Start with broad match keywords to maximize visibility while monitoring keyword performance data. Then, target your best-performing keywords using phrase match, which requires your exact phrase or sequence of words to trigger your ad.

Finally, target the highest intent keywords with an exact match, which requires customers to type in your precise query to see your ad. By refining keyword match types this way, you can maximize visibility at the top of the funnel (a valuable audience for retargeting) and identify which keywords are most effective, allowing you to spend more of your budget on the search terms that result in sales.

Maximize Online Sales This Festive Season

After a challenging year, Amazon sellers need to ensure consumers can find and buy from them this holiday season, and Amazon is shaping up as the key channel for them to do so.

So, if you are already utilizing Amazon PPC services, think hard about how much budget you want to invest. If you are not advertising on Amazon already, then now is the time to take another look at this platform. Perhaps most importantly, for retailers with little or no online presence, you need to get online now, and Amazon provides an instant platform without even needing a website.

However, you can capitalize on your Amazon seller account by leveraging the full competencies of Amazon SEO and Amazon PPC. Sellryt, an award-winning Amazon ppc company, is a trusted provider of end-to-end Amazon marketing services.