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It's a big decision that takes a lot of time, money, and energy to hire an interior designer. If you are looking for elegant, bespoke and appealing interiors, you must avoid making some common mistakes when selecting an interior designer in Northwood. Here are three mistakes to spot and prevent before it's too late:

1. Not conducting research

Interior designers with years of experience are aware that finishing a spectacular project takes time. Ask as many questions as you can at the beginning to see whether your potential designer might be cutting corners or concealing costs in order to earn your contract. Make enquiries with several interior designers and conduct proper research.

2. Failing to plan ahead

It’s always recommended that you must start discussing your dream project with your interior designer ahead of time. This is due to the fact that poorly managed projects fail in time-pressured situations. In other words, while some effort can result in fruitful results, design initiatives need time to materialise. Each component needs time to develop, regardless of the design phase, whether it's the original conversation, negotiation, supplier procurement, or building.

3. Hesitate to negotiate

Interested in working with a renowned interior designer in Rickmansworth who may be out of your price range? Trying to negotiate might be worthwhile. Ask whether there is an opportunity for bargaining when it comes to project quotations that may not accommodate your budget. In order to create your dream home, some designers might be willing to be adaptable, choosing to rearrange some materials and suppliers or omit minor design elements.

These are the 3 common mistakes to avoid when hiring an interior designer. If you find this discussion helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends, and get back to us for more posts like this!