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The beginning of the year is always a good time to take a good, long look at the way you’ve lived so far and seek out ways to improve it. Setting health- and wellness-related goals is always a good way to start the year: from a physical standpoint, doing so can help reduce your risk for developing chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Additionally, it can help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk for obesity. From a mental health perspective, on the other hand, living healthier can have a positive impact on your overall outlook, improve your mood, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Below are a few recommendations that shouldn’t be too difficult to keep to, whether you’re a new year’s resolution-maker or not:

Start looking into supplements
Supplements are a great way to ensure that you are getting the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that your body needs that it may not be getting from your diet. In addition to that, supplements can help improve your mental health and well-being, increase your energy levels, and improve your physical performance.

Clean supplements are by far the superior choice when you’re shopping for them. Minimally processed and free of synthetics and preservatives, clean supplements do not contain any harmful toxins and are hugely beneficial to the body and mind. Below are a few recommendations from Raw Revelations, a trusted source of clean supplements:

– Ashwagandha is a powerful herb that is used in Ayurvedic medicine. It’s an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body cope with stress by decreasing the body’s cortisol levels. Raw Revelations’ Ashwagandha supplement comes in a powdered form that you can add to any hot or cold beverage.

– Beet Plus makes use of heirloom beet juice and a unique blend of amino acids, herbs, and spices to help increase the production of nitric oxide in the body. In addition to helping to improve your blood flow and reduce the risk of heart disease, it can boost your energy levels and aid in digestion. Like Ashwagandha, Raw Revelations offers this supplement in a convenient powdered form that can be taken as is or mixed into water.

– MSM Morning Mix is Raw Revelations’ potent blend of sulfur (MSM) and superfruits such as noni fruit, camu camu, maqui berry, and schisandra berries. It’s designed to provide detoxification, hydration, and nourishment to your cells while helping you maintain healthy inflammation levels.

Hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate some more
According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, men should drink about 3.7 liters of water per day, while women should aim to consume 2.7 liters. Water is vital for the proper functioning of the body and it’s important to ensure you’re getting enough. It helps regulate your body temperature and keeps muscles and joints well-lubricated for proper functioning. Additionally, your immune system relies on hydration to fight off illnesses and infection. Staying well-hydrated is also the key to gut health and maintaining a good digestive system.

Improve your sleep
The ideal amount of sleep that you should be getting will depend on your age. According to the CDC, adults between 18 to 60 years of age should sleep 7 or more hours per night, while those between 61 to 64 years of age should aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.

Sticking to a consistent sleep schedule can help you get better sleep. It’s also a good idea to make your bedroom as restful as possible to minimize instances of waking up in the middle of the night. You may also want to start tracking your sleep to make sure that you’re getting enough, either with a smartwatch or through an app on your phone.

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