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It has been noticed that when you exercise on regular basis with consistency and rightly, you get the results in the form stronger, tighter, and leaner body. What’s the point of wasting your money on gym memberships when you get desired results with simple exercises? It just asks for your time and consistency.

Even this statement is approved by the scientists that you can transform your body just by doing exercise at home. But what will be your reaction if we say that you can also improve your skin with exercise. Yes, you heard it right, now you can try face yoga for glowing skin that is proved to give better results if done on regular basis.

The experts also state that you can get long-term benefits by performing facial exercises on regular basis. The facial exercises will help you to lift your face and make it even more toned by providing strength to your facial muscles.

This will give you a natural contour-like look without makeup. With the growing age, we lost the natural collagen of our skin which lead to sagging and wrinkles on the face. And building up facial muscles will naturally plump your face.

  1. The three experts approved facial exercises for glowing skin:

Facial Exercise- Fish lips

  • Firstly, you have to make a fish-like face by sucking your cheeks inwards with pursed lips.
  • As your lips pursed, try to smile even harder and try to relax every part of your faces like eyes and all.
  • Hold this for 10 seconds.
  • And at last, get relaxed.

Do at least four reps of this exercise once a day

  1. Facial Exercise-Kiss Face
  • Make a face like you’re going to kiss someone.
  • Smile as hard as you can with your lips still being in a pout, just make sure to keep your eyes relaxed.
  • Hold it for 10 seconds.
  • And then get relaxed.

      Do at least four reps of this exercise once a day.

  1. Facial Exercise- The Whistler

This exercise is carried out in 2 parts

Part One

  • Make a whistle face by saying “O” with your lips
  • Smile as hard as you can, with your lips still in the shape “O”.
  • Hold your face like this for 10 seconds.
  • Relax
  • Repeat this whole process three times.

        Part two

  • Repeat steps one and two from part one.
  • Do cheek muscle up and down 12 times with your lips that are still in an “o” shape.
  • Then get relaxed.

       Do four reps of this once a day.

Benefits of facial exercise

There are several benefits of facial yoga the most important out of them are face becomes tighter, plumper, and fuller. It increases the blood flow of your facial area and gives it a makeup-like glow.


It has proven that you can get your young glowing skin back just by doing certain face yoga. A face yoga for glowing skin is the best option to replace those expensive surgeries of the face. That may give you your desired look but comes along with various disadvantages.

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