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Despite the fact that many Green Teas have captured global attention, Matcha green tea powder has truly taken the world by storm!

This finely ground green tea powder is well-known for its delicious taste and health benefits. It's no surprise that Matcha has captured the hearts of not only tea enthusiasts but also health freaks and foodies. Its popularity continues to grow as more and more health benefits are being discovered.

Furthermore, there are an infinite number of ways to consume Matcha. It can be brewed in the traditional tea manner, blended into smoothies, and even added to cooking and baking batters. If you've been reading and researching Matcha, we're sure you're already aware of all of the Matcha benefits mentioned above. So, we won't discuss them any further.

With that said, this blog will undoubtedly surprise you by revealing the various ways you can incorporate Matcha into your beauty routine!

How Can You Make Beauty Products With Matcha Green Tea Powder?

Matcha contains dozens of nutrients and antioxidants, as well as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties, all of which combine to produce a powerful detox effect. Furthermore, this vibrant green powder contains magical elements that can improve your skin and prevent wrinkles and acne from forming.

For these reasons, we believe that anyone with a little imagination can make their own Matcha-based beauty products. These products will not only be all-natural and free of chemicals, but they will also be inexpensive. We've compiled a list of homemade Matcha beauty products to help you achieve your skin goals faster.

Facial Mask with Matcha

This facial mask has been introduced by some of the top makeup artists. Given the numerous benefits it offers, it has also been endorsed by some of the most well-known beauty bloggers. This mask not only promotes healthy, glowing skin, but also relaxes, detoxifies, and increases facial blood circulation. The nourishing Matcha in these facial masks cleanses the pores of all dirt and impurities. The honey in this mask complements the Matcha perfectly. There's also a hint of cinnamon, which helps with blood circulation. Overall, the effect of this mask is an unparalleled glow! Here is the Recipe

  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon Matcha Powder
  • 1/2 tablespoons water (boiled)
  • A pinch of cinnamon
  • 5 drops essential oil of sandalwood

Combine all of the ingredients in a mixing bowl until it reaches a spreadable consistency. Apply it gently to your face, let it sit for a few moments, and then wash it away with cold splashes.

Facial Cream with Matcha Tea

Your skin protects you from a variety of pathogens and dirt particles in the air. The best way to repay all of your skin's kindnesses is to keep it hydrated. Since moisturizers are the most efficient and effective way to hydrate your skin, here is the perfect recipe for an all-natural Matcha tea moisturizer for your face.

  • 1-ounce coconut oil
  • 25 ounces pure bee wax
  • 1-ounce almond oil
  • 1 teaspoon matcha powder or 1 packet of organic green tea
  • 1/4 teaspoon rose hip seed oil

Apply this cream every day before going to bed, and you'll be amazed at the results in just one week!

Moisturizing Lip Balm with Matcha

Dry and cracked lips are not only unattractive but can also be painful. This is where lip balm comes to help. Having said that, many lip balms fail to adequately moisturize lips during the winter. As a result, most people have unused lip balms stashed in their drawers and handbags.

Take a look at our excellent organic Matcha lip balm recipe.

  • 1/2 teaspoon matcha powder
  • 1 tablespoon Shea butter
  • 1 tablespoon beeswax pellets
  • Optional: 10 drops essential oil edible
  • 2 tablespoons sweet almond oil

To Wrap Up:

We hope you enjoy using each of these Matcha Green Tea beauty products as much as we have. Having said that, only high-quality Matcha can provide you with effective beauty products. If you’re looking forward to purchasing matcha powder in bulk, select Tea Globally, as we are the largest Matcha Supplier in China and the rest of the world.