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If you want to promote your YouTube channel for free to get real YouTube subscribers, you should be prepared to put some time and effort into it. In order to help you stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression, we've listed 3 marketing strategies you should be familiar with.

a)Configure Your Channel:

Many people frequently skip this important step. However, filling out all the information on your profile is a terrific method to optimize your channel for SEO as well as a simple approach to be remembered by your audience which will assist you to get real YouTube subscribers. Here are some things to keep in mind if you wish to finish your channel information right away:

Your channel's description- is a succinct approach to inform your audience of the subject matter of the information you are producing. Additionally, it works well for increasing search traffic. Incorporate a few keywords within the channel description. For instance, describe it in your description if you post tutorials for video games.

Connecting other social media platforms to get real YouTube subscribers – Be sure to include the URLs to any pages or communities you have on social media in your channel. Your most enthusiastic viewers will follow you on other platforms as a result.

b)Observe the video descriptions:

YouTube can better grasp your video's context with the help of the video description, which promotes higher rankings. Make sure each video has a description written for it. For example the video can produce to keep in mind the topic of rap music promotion on YouTube.  Even if the description doesn't have to be particularly extensive, aim for at least 250 words. The first 25 words should contain your primary keyword. Use no more than 3–4 keywords in the description to prevent keyword stuffing.

What the viewers can expect from the video should be explained in the description of the video. Consider it a succinct summary of the video's subject. It's a good idea to include a timestamp if your video is lengthy or covers numerous topics. Include a link to your website, a relevant product, or your social network pages as the final element in your video description. Here is a good illustration of a YouTube explanation.

c)Remember the Metadata:

The primary goal of the metadata is to aid YouTube in comprehending the subject matter of your video so that the algorithm can recommend it to the appropriate viewers to get real YouTube subscribers. Additionally potent signals include your video's title and description, which are both categorised as metadata. Tags and categories are two more factors you should take into account. To target the proper audience, do your research, add relevant keywords, and choose the category for your video.

You can have a unique URL for your channel if you reach 100 subscribers on YouTube. How long does it take to reach 100 YouTube subscribers? The answer varies from channel to channel, but generally speaking, it takes a few months.


It's not simple to advertise your YouTube channel and get real YouTube subscribers. You need to have shrewd tactics, but you also need to be patient. Use the advice and techniques we've covered in this post, and you'll gradually see an increase in views and subscribers. Even if some of these tactics demand work, the outcome is well worth it.


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