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If you work in an office, you know the feeling. It’s the start of summer, and you’re ready to get out there. You’re eager to spend more time outside, having fun in the sun. At the same time, you still have work to do.

It’s time to kick off summer at the office! It’s all about bringing a little summer energy into the workplace. What can your office do to bring summer to the team? Team walks are a good start, as they can help break up the workday and give everyone a chance to enjoy the weather.

You can also take it further. Summer is a great time for team events and sandwich catering. Here are three ideas all about getting into that summer state of mind at the office.

Put a Team Event on the Books

Summer is prime team event season. A lot of offices head outdoors with their team-building events, and you can do the same. From engaging activity-based teambuilders to food-centric team events, there are plenty of possibilities.

Your team might get a kick out of heading to a local park for an afternoon of fun and games. It might include a game of cornhole or kickball. Or maybe your office wants to host a block party for the team—and possibly other nearby businesses.

These kinds of events are all about getting team members out of their everyday office spaces for a while. Spending time amongst co-workers outdoors can be a bonding experience. Plus, when you get a few team events on the calendar, it’s something more to look forward to.

Order Up Some Lunch Catering

Team events can be the perfect opportunity to order catering. Of course, you don’t need a full-blown event to put catering on the menu. During the summer, weekly catering can be a great perk for the team.

It can be something your company does once a week or every couple of weeks. It’s a way to build team spirit and boost morale. Like team events, it’s another thing to look forward to, and can generate some excitement!

You can keep it simple with sandwich catering, or you can mix things up from week to week. You can see what kind of Cincinnati catering options are out there and treat the team to the best Cincinnati has to offer—or any city, for that matter.

Cut Back on Friday Hours

Or cut Friday completely! Yeah, it can be a pretty big change, but it can also net your company an increase in weekly productivity. Many businesses that cut Friday hours or cut Friday completely may notice improved morale, along with productivity.

Half-day Fridays or Fridays off can mean the team gets to enjoy more of their weekends and the things they love to do outside of work. It can be empowering to know you have more weekend to work with.

About ezCater

Ordering lunch in the middle of the workday is simple with ezCater. ezCater is a robust online platform made to connect you and your business with local caterers and restaurants. They’ve partnered with over 100,000 caterers nationwide and offer several search tools to help you find that “just right” caterer. Through ezCater’s partnerships, your team can save time and keep things on or under budget when ordering daily lunch catering or food for events. You can rely on ezCater when you’re catering Dallas team meetings or impressing a sales prospect with Portland catering. No matter where your business is located—or where you’re traveling for work—you can turn to ezCater to solve your food needs.

Get into a summer state of mind with catering from https://www.ezcater.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3yRCijG

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