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You’re ready for summer. You’re excited to spend more time outdoors and get plenty of sun. What you’re not excited about, however, is how summer can affect your skin. We all know spending too much time under the sun can lead to skin discoloration—not to mention sunburn. Working on your glow is one thing, but ending up with unwanted damage and discoloration could be a serious concern. Of course, we also know the importance of protecting our skin. So, how can you balance getting your summer glow while staying protected? It doesn’t have to be as complicated as you might think. You can get plenty of sun without worrying about overdoing it. Here are three ways to make it happen.

Be Strategic with Sunscreen

This is a tip you’ve probably heard before. Sunscreen is essential whenever you’re spending time in the sun. Whether it’s the middle of summer or the dead of winter, the sun’s rays can damage and discolor your skin. It’s simply more important during the summer because you tend to enjoy the great outdoors more often and longer hours in direct sunlight can create lasting impact to your skin. Plus, during the summer sun can be more intense, thanks to its position in the summer sky. That’s why it’s always important to keep sunscreen on hand. Concerned about potentially harsh ingredients in your sunscreen? Reach for a clean, vegan sunscreen serum. Using a clean, vegan sunscreen serum can help keep your skin looking more even toned while also keeping it protected from damaging rays. Follow the directions on the packaging and reapply as recommended based on how much time you will be spending in the sun. Making SPF part of your daily routine can make this simple step habit and keep your skin protected all year.

Recognize Seasonal Skin Changes

Seasons can influence how your skin behaves. During cooler months, your skin may be dryer before shifting to combination or normal during the spring. Come summer, your skin may start to become oily. As your skin experiences seasonal changes, it’s important to adjust your skin care products to match. As summer approaches, relying more on products for oily skin can help make a difference balancing your oil levels. Be cautious with products that overly dry the skin can increase oil production, irritate skin, and actually lead to blemishes and breakouts. Additionally, when skin is unbalanced or irritated from harsh products, skin can be more sensitive to sun; compounding skin issues of summer. Observe how your skin changes with the seasons and respond with products and a routine that gently balances your skin.

Pack for Summertime Fun

From running errands to going on vacation, there are things to pack for every summer adventure. Dependent on what adventures you have planned, it is important to have consistent access to protective clothes, accessories, and skin care products. Simple things like wearing a wide-brimmed hat when in direct sunlight helps keep excess rays away from your face and can minimize direct sun damage. Pair that with a lightweight wrap to protect the suspectable skin on your shoulders and neck and mitigate sunburn. Sunglasses are perfect for helping keep bright light out of your eyes—and away from the delicate skin around your eyes. Finally, pack a glass water-bottle to help you stay hydrated! Hydrating products, such as a protective lip balms is a must to keep your lips hydrated and soft. Taking these steps can help your skin look and feel great all summer long!


Discover your new hyper-clean, uncomplicated skin care regimen with a little help from VERIBELLA. VERIBELLA’s collection of multi-tasking products shows that caring for your skin doesn’t need to be complicated to feel luxurious. Performance-based products are designed to help you reveal your best skin. Experience the benefits of concentrated active ingredients with products like the Lash and Brow Serum, a serum that helps you get voluminous lashes. You can also discover everything there is to love about The FRESH SET, three products made to help you address uneven skin tone. Everyone’s skin is unique, and VERIBELLA offers a variety of solutions to help you target your specific concerns. Feel empowered in your skin with easy-to-use products from VERIBELLA.

Get ready for all the summer fun you have planned at https://veribellainc.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/37DLD1j

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