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39 Winks by Kathleen Valenti – #coverreveal

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39 Winks

Former pharmaceutical researcher Maggie O’Malley is losing sleep. Her boyfriend Constantine’s aunt is a multitasking sleepwalker who prepares meals, folds laundry and, one winter night, stumbles across her husband with his throat slit.
It’s a rude and gruesome awakening that’s upsetting to Aunt Polly.

And interesting to the police.  Maggie and Constantine work to uncover who killed the cosmetic surgery mogul and why. As they dig into the lives of those who knew him best, they discover that doctoring perception has deadly side effects.

A gripping page-turner with more twists than a surgeon’s suture, 39 Winks is a tale of lies, betrayals, and greed that will keep you up at night—and looking over your shoulder.








39 Winks by Kathleen Valenti is coming May 22 from Henery Press!

You can pre-order your copy this week!!

Kathleen's Amazon Author Page


When Kathleen Valenti isn’t writing page-turning mysteries that combine humor and suspense, she works as a nationally award-winning advertising copywriter. 39 Winks is the second of the Maggie O’Malley mystery series and follows her Agatha- and Lefty-nominated debut mystery, Protocol. Kathleen lives in Oregon with her family where she pretends to enjoy running.

Learn more at www.kathleenvalenti.com.


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