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3D mammography is a new technology that is changing the way doctors diagnose breast cancer. With this new method, doctors are able to get a more clear and accurate picture of the breast tissue, which leads to better detection of abnormalities. This new way of looking at things is especially beneficial for women with dense breasts, as it can help to identify problems that might have been missed with traditional mammography.

3D mammography is a new technology that is being used to improve the accuracy of breast cancer diagnoses. This type of mammography creates a three-dimensional image of the breast, which can be helpful in detecting small tumors that may not be visible on a traditional mammogram. If you are considering having a 3D mammogram, there are a few things you should know. In this blog post, we will discuss what 3D mammography is, how it works, and what the benefits are. We will also provide some information on how to find a facility that offers this service.3D Mammography NJ

What is 3D Mammography?

3D mammography, also known as breast tomosynthesis, is a newer type of mammogram that can be used in addition to or instead of traditional 2D mammograms. This technology creates a three-dimensional image of the breast, which can help radiologists detect small tumors and abnormalities that may be hidden on a 2D image.

3D mammography is not recommended for everyone, but it may be a good option for women with dense breasts or who have had multiple previous Mammograms. If you are considering 3D mammography, talk to your doctor about whether it is right for you.

How is 3D Mammography Different from Traditional Mammography?

3D mammography, also called tomosynthesis, is an imaging technology that creates a three-dimensional image of the breast. Traditional mammography is two-dimensional.

3D mammography can help to find small tumors that may be hidden in dense breast tissue. It can also help to reduce the number of false alarms.

The American Cancer Society recommends that women at average risk for breast cancer get a mammogram every year starting at age 45. Women who are at high risk for breast cancer (such as those with a family history of the disease) may need to start getting mammograms earlier and get them more often.

What are the Benefits of 3D Mammography?

There are many benefits of 3D mammography, including:

1) Increased accuracy: 3D mammography is more accurate than traditional mammography, which means that fewer women will be called back for additional testing.

2) earlier detection: 3D mammography can detect breast cancer at an earlier stage, when it is most treatable.

3) improved comfort: the newer technology used in 3D mammography is gentler on the breasts and causes less discomfort for the patient.

4) shorter exam time: because 3D mammography requires less images to be taken, the exam time is shorter than with traditional mammography.

5) covered by insurance: most insurance companies cover 3D mammography, just as they would traditional mammography.

Who Should Consider Getting a 3D Mammogram?

If you're looking for the most accurate and reliable mammogram possible, you may want to consider getting a 3D mammogram. Here's who should consider this new technology:

-Women with dense breast tissue: Dense breast tissue is more common in women under 50, and can make it harder to detect tumors on a mammogram. A 3D mammogram can provide more detailed images of the breast tissue, making it easier to spot any abnormalities.

-Women with a history of breast cancer: If you've had breast cancer in the past, you're at a higher risk of developing it again. A 3D mammogram can help your doctor keep a closer eye on your breasts and catch any changes early.

-Women with a family history of breast cancer: If breast cancer runs in your family, you may be more likely to develop it yourself. Again, a 3D mammogram can give your doctor a better look at your breasts so they can watch for any suspicious changes.

When is the Best Time to Get a 3D Mammogram?

3D mammography, also called breast tomosynthesis, is an FDA-approved imaging technique that allows radiologists to examine your breasts one layer at a time. This can help them to more accurately identify small tumors and distinguish them from normal breast tissue. Ultrasound NJ

So when is the best time to get a 3D mammogram? The answer may depend on your individual risk factors for breast cancer. If you have dense breasts, for example, you may benefit from this type of imaging. Your doctor may also recommend it if you’ve had an abnormal mammogram in the past or if you’re at high risk for breast cancer due to family history or other factors.

In general, though, most experts say that 3D mammography is best used as a follow-up test after an abnormal 2D mammogram rather than as a screening tool for all women. That’s because this technology is more likely to detect small abnormalities that wouldn’t show up on a 2D image. But these “false positives” can lead to unnecessary anxiety and extra testing, which can be costly and inconvenient.

If you do need a 3D mammogram, don’t worry – the procedure is similar to getting a regular Mammogram. You’ll stand in front of an X-ray machine and place your breast on a platform. The machine will then take multiple low-dose images of your breast from different angles.

How Often Should I Get a 3D Mammogram?

3D mammography, also known as breast tomosynthesis, is an FDA-approved breast cancer screening tool that produces three-dimensional images of the breasts. This type of mammogram can be used in addition to a traditional 2D mammogram or as a stand-alone exam.

Breast tomosynthesis has been shown to improve cancer detection rates and reduce recall rates (the rate at which women are called back for additional testing) when used in conjunction with a traditional 2D mammogram.

The American College of Radiology and the Society of Breast Imaging recommend that all women over the age of 40 get an annual mammogram. If you have a family history of breast cancer or other risk factors, you may need to get screened more frequently.

If you are considering getting a 3D mammogram, talk to your doctor about whether it’s right for you.