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A potential customer hears about your product from a friend. They head to the store, buy it, and find out they don’t know how to use it. Or they could think that it doesn’t live up to their expectations. But the problem is simply a lack of education. Partnering with a complete product education platform with all the capabilities of an explainer video production company to create content that showcases a comprehensive overview of your product can make all the difference in sales and returns. Here’s how.

Educate Your Customer Base

One of the most important aspects of partnering with explainer video companies is educating your consumer base. This means creating content that shows your potential customers how your product works. Find a company that features industry experts in their videos. Who is better to educate your customer base than someone who already knows how to use your product? Experts know how to get the most out of your product thanks to their hard-earned experience. They can pass that information on to your potential customers by offering tips and tricks to help meet their needs. It’s an excellent way to help a customer understand how your product can fit into their daily routine.

Manage Expectations

By explaining the use cases, an expert’s review or testimony can also help manage customer expectations. If your product is good for specific situations and not for general, all-purpose use, it’s best that potential customers know this before making a purchase decision. They can determine whether or not your product is right for them. If it solves a problem they have, then they will be happy with the purchase. In that case, their expectations were met. If they decide your product doesn’t quite meet your needs, then they won’t make a purchase, and your brand won’t have to navigate the cost of unnecessary returns. More on this later.

Information at the Point of Purchase

When you partner with professional video services, you need to make sure the videos reach potential customers. One of the best ways is to feature these expert-led videos at the point of purchase. Videos can be highly influential and can make a world of difference in sales. If potential customers can see your product in action online or standing in the aisle at the store debating whether the product is right for them, they can learn everything they need to know to make an informed purchase decision. It’s a huge advantage over your competitors who might just offer a few photos that don’t actually help the consumer understand the product better.

Curbing Returns

Another advantage of explainer videos is curbing returns. As mentioned above, managing expectations is essential for preventing returns. Products are often returned because they were bought assuming they would perform a certain function. In reality, the product may not excel at or even perform the action at all. With the rising cost of returns, it’s essential to educate potential buyers. By reducing returns, you can also have a positive impact on the public opinion of your product. If someone buys and returns it, they may leave a negative review. This can result in a negative attitude towards your product and brand. Educating customers, on the other hand, can help them better understand your product. That way, when customers are satisfied with their purchase, they’ll leave a good review and recommend your product to other customers.

About The Desire Company

Building genuine brand loyalty is a vital part of establishing trust with potential customers. Today’s digital marketplace is full of fake reviews and misinformation, and the FTC is cracking down on them. Plus, celebrities’ and paid influencers’ credibility is declining. As a result, consumers value honest advice and helpful feedback from reputable sources more than ever. The Desire Company goes beyond strategies like product endorsements from paid influencers, celebrities, and fake experts. They’re more than just a creative agency or video production company. The Desire Company is a complete product education platform. The Desire Company is a complete product education solution that combines content strategy, expert vetting, and matching with their vast Pro Community, video embed technology, and media distribution to keep your audience informed, not influenced.

Learn how The Desire Company can help you create explainer videos featuring experts at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3L8ybCP

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