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Many people view hair loss as a misfortune. When you consider how much confidence and self-esteem a person loses as a result of hair loss, this viewpoint appears to be fairly valid. While taking preventative measures to reduce hair loss can be beneficial, it's important to remember that not all cases of baldness are avoidable. How you can prevent hair loss depends on the type of baldness or shedding you have.


Cure every disease that afflicts you


Your overall health can sometimes be associated with hair loss. Numerous illnesses, such as thyroid issues, the flu, and lupus, can cause baldness. To determine the underlying reason for your hair loss, seek a diagnosis to rule out other disorders. Adequate treatment often causes the lost hair to regrow on its own within a few months. Recognizing the condition sooner increases the chances of reducing or preventing baldness.


Consider your hair-styling habits


A few types of balding are directly related to how a person styles their hair; this occurs primarily in women. When a person wears a tight hairdo or utilizes styling products or appliances, the hair follicles are subjected to a lot of pressure, which causes traction alopecia.


 If you're starting to see thinning or if you often wear your hair in plaits or braids, a bun, or a ponytail and have pain or headaches as a result of the style, one of the best things you can do to avoid hair loss is to change up your hairdo. If you don't want to forgo braids or ponytails, try wearing your hair looser more often, and if feasible, avoid ponytails, plaits, or braids altogether.


Avoid bad habits


Baldness can be caused by more than simply improper hairstyling techniques. A bad lifestyle might also increase your chances of losing hair. Do you need a solid reason to quit smoking? Listen to this: “Smoking increases the likelihood of baldness.” Drinking alcohol and spending too much time in the sun are two poor behaviors that might lead to baldness. Yes, a hair transplant in Dubai can restore hair on your scalp, but isn't quitting cigarettes and alcohol a better option?


Get a healthy diet


You can prevent certain types of baldness by making dietary adjustments. In many circumstances, a quick change in diet, such as a crash diet or juice cleanse, can cause a decline in nutritional levels in your body, triggering telogen effluvium or excessive hair shedding. Iron-deficiency anemia is another dietary cause of hair loss. Eat foods high in iron, zinc, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids.