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You might need to figure out when to clean freshly installed carpets. Of course, they ought to be clean because they are spanking new, right? However, newly installed carpets might benefit from thoroughly cleaning before use.

This article will explain the benefits of cleaning recently placed carpets and the right techniques.

Why It Is Important to Clean Newly Installed Carpets

For several reasons, cleaning recently placed carpets is a good idea. The four most significant ones are as follows:

1.      Eliminate residue

Cleaning your freshly installed carpets is crucial to remove any residue from the installation procedure. This leftover material may include dust, dirt, and debris from the installation process. By eliminating this residue from the carpet, any possible stains that it can cause can be avoided. Additionally, it will guarantee the greatest appearance and longevity for your carpets. Any residue may be cleaned up by giving your carpet a good hoover and washing. Additionally, it will keep your carpets appearing clean and new.

2.      Upgrading Air Quality

Improving the air quality in your home or office requires cleaning newly placed carpets. The removal of dangerous allergens, dust, and filth that may have accumulated during installation can be assisted by professional carpet cleaning. In addition, by reducing the dust in the air, you may enhance the air quality within your home.

3.      Avoid Allergies

The number of allergens in your home can be decreased by cleaning the carpet if you or anybody in your family has allergies. The rug may collect allergens like dust mites, pet dander, and pollen; cleaning it can help eliminate them.

4.      Improve the Durability of Your Carpet

Regular cleaning can assist by eliminating any dirt and debris that might shorten the life of your carpet's fibers. As a result, you can ensure that your recently installed carpet lasts for years by regularly cleaning it.

How to Clean Recently Installed Carpets

Now that you know the need to clean freshly placed carpets, let's examine the right techniques.

1.      Fully hoover the area.

Start by doing a thorough vacuuming of the entire carpet. Then, use a Hoover with a HEPA filter to remove dust and grime. Wherever dirt and debris might collect, such as the edges and corners, be sure you hoover those areas.

2.      Clean Spot Stains

If you discover any stains on the carpet, use a carpet cleaner or a solution of water and vinegar to spot-clean them. Avoid using too much water, though, since this might harm the carpet's fibers.

3.      Steam Vacuum the Carpet

The carpet should be steam cleaned after being vacuumed and spot cleaned. A professional carpet cleaner may do the task for you, or you can rent a steam cleaner from a hardware shop.

4.      Dry the carpet.

Allow the carpet to thoroughly dry after steam cleaning before putting furniture or foot traffic on it. Depending on the humidity and temperature in your home, this may take a few hours.


For several reasons, cleaning recently installed carpets is an excellent idea. Remainders can be eliminated, air quality can be improved, allergies can be avoided, and your carpet's lifespan can be increased. You can ensure that your carpet stays clean and in good shape for years by using the right cleaning methods. A professional team is always an alternative if you are concerned about cleaning the new carpets to ensure the rug is cleaned safely to keep its look and lifespan.

A reputable Carpet Cleaning Aurora and the surrounding areas is Carpet Clean and Dry company serving. In addition, we provide cleaning services for leather, mattresses, and upholstery. To find out more about our services, get in touch with our carpet cleaners!

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