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Summer is still on the horizon, but it will be here sooner than you think. It’s already time to start marketing your summer product launch. From finding professional video services that help educate potential customers to extending your brand reach to get more eyes on your product, the right marketing steps can set you up for a successful summer product launch. Here’s how.

Educate Potential Customers

Your first step is to educate your potential customers about your product. How do they use it? What are the use cases? What are the pros and cons?

You can partner with a complete product education platform that has all the capabilities of a promotional video production company to pair your product with a professional in the industry. Their hard-earned knowledge makes them qualified to talk authoritatively about your product.

Who is better to help educate your potential customers than someone who already uses your product and knows all the ins and outs? They know the real-world use cases, the hacks, and the how and why of your product. A credible source, like an industry professional, is someone your audience can trust. Plus, their credibility stands out in a world full of misinformation.

Build Hype

Next, you want to build excitement. For this, influencer partnerships can play an important role. The key is to find influencers who actually use your product, not just influencers who are paid to read a script.

Industry professionals may be able to educate your audience, but they may not be as great at building hype among potential buyers. So the two can collaborate and appear in a video together.

Just avoid overhyping your product. Moderation is the key. Otherwise, expectations could be too high, and if the product doesn’t end up meeting their needs, they could return it.

Manage Expectations

To counter overhyping your product and potential returns, managing customer expectations is essential. This is where a product education platform’s product review services come into play.

With an expert, you can offer potential customers an unfiltered, unscripted review from someone who knows both your product and the industry as a whole. They can give a qualified, authentic review, even comparing and contrasting your product with competitors’ products. This way, anyone who makes a purchase can do so confidently. And since a recent survey revealed that educated consumers return 50% less, expert product videos are an effective way to reduce the cost of returns.

Extend Your Brand Reach

Influencers are also perfect for extending your brand’s reach. Because they have a large following, your product can enjoy exposure that it might not otherwise get.

An easy way to make sure your content is still credible is by featuring an influencer with an expert in a video. The industry professional can simply teach the influencer how to use your product.

Then, you get the reach without sacrificing content that’s still practical and educational. The influencer can even act as the audience surrogate, learning alongside the audience and helping them understand your product better by asking the right questions.

About The Desire Company

Building trust with consumers is the foundation of establishing brand loyalty. Thriving in the digital marketplace can hinge on customers’ confidence in your brand. Given the #deinfluencing trend and the FTC crackdown on fake reviews, consumers have made it crystal clear that they value authentic feedback and honest advice above all else. With The Desire Company, your brand can go beyond product recommendations from paid influencers, celebrities, and pseudo-experts. They’re more than a simple creative agency or video production company—The Desire Company is a complete product education platform. They combine expert vetting, content strategy, video embed technology, and media distribution, helping match your brand with industry professionals from their vast Pro Community. When you partner with The Desire Company, your customers can stay informed, not influenced, helping build trust and drive conversions.

Learn how The Desire Company can optimize your summer product launch at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3xk1NsZ

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