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As a manager of a business there are plenty of responsibilities to handle without letting your routine operations get in the way of the larger overall. This year, put your attention towards the improvement of your internal operations by upgrading the conference room layout in your office using top-of-the-line technologies like av solutions to increase efficiency and take business a leap ahead of the others. Are you ready to take your business forward? Make sure your conference room is ready for the future by implementing these four essential technology solutions.

Better Window Treatments

Nothing is worse than the bright sun when you are trying to deliver a presentation or talk to customers in your conference room. The motorised windows are the ideal solution to keep your conference room in a comfortable and pleasant environment at all hours of your workday.

What is it that makes them superior to blinds or manual shades? Motorised shades provide you with the ability to control each shade within your conference space with a single device, and without the difficulty of pulling the drawstring blinds. Simply press an icon on a touchscreen and watch your shades automatically and quietly lower or rise. For added convenience, set up your motorised shades to have daylight sensors that automatically lower the shades when direct sunlight hits your windows , causing reflections in your conference room.

Smart Lighting Control

A lot of conference rooms overlook the importance of effective lighting to ensure greater comfort and efficiency. Intelligent lighting control allows you to design the ideal atmosphere in your conference room to facilitate more productive gatherings.

Through one interface, you can manage all the lights in your conference space to dim and brighten in the way you want, and programme them to turn off and on according to an established schedule, which will help you reduce energy consumption. The programmable lighting that mimics natural light is great to increase performance in the room for conferences. Are you planning a meeting that will last for the entire day? Then smart lighting control is all you need. 

Video Conferencing

The rapid growth of telecommunications in the present allows for greater flexibility in gatherings as well as productivity. Many employees work at home or from locations other than their traditional workplace which is resulting in a distributed workforce. And that is why you need AV solutions. 

If your staff members are working in remote areas, or clients require a meeting but aren't able to drive into your workplace, a new cloud-based video conferencing solution will eliminate space and time barriers, allowing anyone to communicate and collaborate at any time, from anywhere.

With a modern interactive video conferencing solution from the av solutions Bangalore, featuring four-channel Ultra high definition video camera, mics, and an enterprise network that is installed within your Boardroom you won't need to be concerned about a slowdown in productivity. 

Integrated Control System

Connect all your technology-savvy devices together with a single control system to guarantee better efficiency in time management as well as smoother operation during meetings in a conference room.

With an automated controlled system, you are able to connect the controls of your motorised shades lights, video conferencing and much more in an easy-to-use interface that will help make the most of your conference room's layout.


Above all these technologies AV solutions Bangalore is probably the most important and necessary looking at the requirements.


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