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The digital age and the proliferation of smartphones have made it easier to educate shoppers at the point of purchase. They can look up information on their phone and decide whether the product is for them or not. With the help of a video creative agency or product education platform, you can create content specifically to help shoppers make an informed decision while in the store.

Easily Educate Potential Customers

Imagine a shopper discovers a product—your product—that they had not heard of before but could see a use for in their home or at work. They want to know more information. A quick scan of a QR code takes them to a video that quickly explains the why and how of your product. Partnering with a product education platform with video production services means it is easy to produce this content. Enlist an expert in your product’s industry, such as a chef for kitchenware, and you can have a professional quickly explain your product to potential customers.

No Prior Knowledge Needed

The goal of these videos is to take someone with little or no experience with your product and quickly impart the necessary knowledge about your product: how to use it, use cases, when it should or shouldn’t be used, and other pertinent information. The goal is to inform them enough so that they understand the use of your product, helping them decide whether they need your product or if it’s not quite what they were looking for.

Expectations Can Be Managed

In this way, the expectations of potential customers can be managed quickly and efficiently. Mismanaged expectations are a major factor in returning a product. To help curb the rising cost of returns, your videos should help them understand more about your product so they don’t get home expecting it to help with a problem but not offer the solution they need. Instead, they should know what problems or tasks your product addresses. Otherwise, they may return the product, which can cost you money. They could also leave a negative review under the assumption the product was going to help with a problem it could not solve.

Reviews On the Spot

Partnering with a full product education platform for these videos may also mean access to product review services. You can arm potential customers with an unscripted, qualified review from an expert, sharing the pros and cons and giving them what they need to make an informed purchase decision. A video review from a professional is also hard to mimic, which can help garner trust from a consumer when the internet is rife with false reviews and misinformation. It provides a solid review they can see, rather than having to trust a wall of words that may or may not be true.

About The Desire Company

The Desire Company is poised to help your brand move beyond the standard product endorsements by celebrities, paid influencers, and fake experts. A crucial aspect of building genuine brand loyalty is establishing trust with potential consumers. In today’s digital marketplace, brand loyalty and trust are essential for success. With the FTC cracking down on fake reviews and the declining influence of celebrities and paid influencers, consumers are showing that they value helpful feedback and honest advice from reputable sources more than ever. More than just a video production company or creative agency, The Desire Company serves as a comprehensive product education platform. The team matches your products with their Pro Community, utilizing content strategy, expert vetting, video embed technology, and multi-channel media distribution to inform, not influence.

Create educational videos for your product with help from The Desire Company at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3Re12ZE

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