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When you suffer from common skincare problems like dry skin, acne, or visible signs of aging, you may not know exactly how to correct them. Thankfully, there are plenty of products that can help you. But which should you use? From an acne spot treatment using salicylic acid to serums that help hydrate your skin, knowing which products help your skincare problem is essential.

Salicylic Acid Acne Spot Treatments

Acne can rear its ugly head, be it black or white, when you least expect it. An acne spot treatment that uses salicylic acid, usually about 2%, can target existing blemishes while preventing new ones, including blackheads and whiteheads. Find a spot treatment that also helps reduce the look of your pores and minimizes the appearance of redness. The secret is finding the right formula for your specific type of acne or blemish. The key to any acne treatment is ensuring you don’t strip your skin barrier of its moisture, which can dry out your skin and cause more problems.

Glycolic Acid and Retinol Fight Signs of Aging

Wrinkles, fine lines, and other visible signs of aging are not uncommon. With the right nighttime repair crème, however, you can help reduce the appearance of these signs of aging. Find a crème that uses glycolic acid and time-released, encapsulated retinol for the best results. Retinol skincare products tend to help other ingredients maintain potency while being gentler on your skin. The retinol and glycolic acid combo can help improve the look of dullness while revealing smooth, healthy-looking skin while promoting a look of firmness, tone, and elasticity.

Use Serums to Hydrate Dry Skin

There are a wide variety of serums you can use as part of a skincare routine, but the key is to find one that hydrates your skin. An antioxidant serum, for example, might use botanical extracts, vitamin C, and aloe vera to nourish your skin, hydrating delicate skin while comforting it and bringing it into balance. This type of serum will also help prevent transepidermal water loss, which also improves skin hydration. Using the right serums means your skin will feel healthy, soft, and youthful, but it requires you to consistently replenish the moisture in your skin. Use a cleanser and exfoliant combo a couple of days a week to make the serum even more effective.

A Moisturizer with SPF Protection Keeps the Sun at Bay

Broad-spectrum SPF protection is vital to protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays. They can damage your skin and are the biggest cause in creating visible signs of aging. That’s why using a moisturizer with SPF protection is vital. It’s both a sunscreen and a moisturizer, helping keep your skin hydrated and protected. The key to a youthfully vibrant complexion is sun protection in combination with hydration. Luckily, today’s sunscreens are luxurious, dry, clear, and can help your skin look even better.

About IMAGE Skincare®

When it comes to skincare, you want products you can trust. And that’s why the best way to help get the best you possible is with help from IMAGE Skincare®. With their potent, science-backed lineup, you can build a routine that’s simple, gentle, and effective. IMAGE Skincare brings professional-level ingredients and formulas right to your bathroom counter. Their results-driven innovations can help address your most pressing concerns. Whether you want a tinted moisturizer to protect your skin or a facial cleanser for dry skin, they have you covered. Create your own IMAGE Skincare regimen, and soon, you’ll have the complexion you’ve always dreamed of. IMAGE Skincare offers the best products for healthy and happy skin.

Find the solutions to your common skincare problems at https://imageskincare.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3HnGusv

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