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The key to success in today's online events is due to the technology that powers the event.While Webinar platforms such as Zoom or GoToWebinar allow you to easily setup and create an hour-long video however, when they are used in isolation, they do not provide the same quality that professional solutions for production can provide.

If the goal of the virtual event is to include several speakers, panels, recordings of films and videos, and control the audio as well as overlay images — which is normal for broadcast-quality events — it is essential to determine whether the system can meet these requirements.

Upgrade Your Visuals to Better the Audience's Experience

A studio with three cameras is an industry standard that can be transferred effectively to online events. The ability to change between different video feeds to another, similar to what you watch on news broadcasts of the network instantly improves the overall quality of the event, by cueing speakers and making transitions in a professional manner.

High-definition cameras should always be used whenever it is possible to use them in a studio equipped with lighting as well as backgrounds and other. Due to social distancing protocol it is recommended to reserve this particular area to the moderator as well as the key contributors. In such cases audiovisual rooms can emerge as a great solution. 

Account for Remote and On-site Video Sources

It is the nature of disease that means that everyone is not present. The bright side is the virtual platform enables organisations to not only be able to reach a wider public, but allow them to have more speakers from anyplace in the world, even when they are working from their homes offices.

For those who aren't able to attend the event due to safety reasons but still want to participate in the broadcast by using the proper process and system. The production software must be able to collect video from multiple sources such as cameras as well as video conferencing platforms (E.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Slack).

Additionally the software used for production should let the team play animating or dynamic graphics such as a lower third for introducing speakers, logo titles, transitions, and much more. These kinds of  audiovisual rooms make a virtual experience more engaging than the usual webinar, giving the event an air-tight broadcast.

Leave Bad Audio Out of the Mix

Audio quality is a major factor in Zoom fatigue, which causes the audience to stay interested. In the end, it detracts from the amazing experience that was promised. If there are many attendees from home, you should consider providing the attendees with the USB microphone or premium headset for greater audio or set up a conference room setup for video conferencing

As part of the production system add an audio mixer that can control the volume of speakers to ensure that the volume is even. The sudden fluctuations in volume cause a rough listening experience, and make it difficult for the listeners to absorb the content. An even volume and clear sound will provide a more enjoyable experience for the listener.

Ensure Your Network Can Sustain the Broadcast

Hosting an event online is not a simple task. It requires meticulous planning and preparation. Due to the significant cost of time and funds It is essential to ensure that the virtual event is able to reach the intended viewers.

These 4 Tech Considerations for Hosting Pro Virtual Events. We hope you will find this information useful


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