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Heading to shoot clay pigeons with 12 gauge ammo can be fun, but getting caught up in the excitement without building actual skills is all too easy. Sure, you can improve just by shooting the clay pigeons, but are you working on your stance? Are you practicing your reloading speed? Practicing the right things is the key to becoming a better shooter. Here are a few things to emphasize in your range day training.

Learn the Ins and Outs of Your Guns

Knowing how to operate your firearms is one of the most important parts of gun ownership. This ensures you can operate them safely and maintain them. You should also know how to handle your firearm when things go wrong. How do you work the safety? What do you do to clear a jam in your specific gun? Are you able to field strip it to solve problems? All of this knowledge is essential for any gun that you own.

Set Your Stance

Another important aspect of marksmanship is your stance. The right stance provides stability, allowing you to shoot accurately and minimize the effects of recoil. What stance are you using when you hold your handgun? The big three are the Isosceles, Weaver, and Chapman.

While the Isosceles stance is classic, it lacks fluidity and the ability to move quickly, which is needed for many competitions. The Weaver stance offers more flexibility but makes it hard to pivot. It also can’t be easily used by cross-eye dominant shooters. The Chapman combines the two stances, taking some of the strengths and weaknesses of both. It’s a good idea to practice all three stances, as none is necessarily better than the others—it comes down to what is comfortable and effective for you.

Aim for Accuracy

Being able to hit a target is great, but placing the 5.56 ammo exactly where you want is much harder. Focus on consistently hitting the target and then within a certain margin of distance from where you aimed. Over time, tighten up the groups. You will want to start slow, increasing your speed over time. You will slowly improve your accuracy, becoming a better marksman. You can always do some casual plinking at the end, but be sure to spend some time focusing on pure accuracy.

Rapid Reloading

Practice reloading until it’s basically muscle memory. Then, take a mag with just a single round in it. Load your gun, fire the round, eject the mag, and load another mag. Loading shotgun shells quickly often means turning the shotgun the right way and sliding multiple shells in together. You want to be able to get back in the action quickly, especially if you are training for a competition that allows for reloads.

About Cheaper Than Dirt!

Cheaper Than Dirt! is the one-stop bulk ammo destination of choice for competitive and high-volume shooters. Offering some of the best prices in the ammo market, the brand continues to be an industry leader. Cheaper Than Dirt aims to provide on-target prices across an expansive selection of ammo, firearms, supplies, and accessories, along with top-quality customer service. Cheaper Than Dirt caters to everyone, from seasoned competitive shooters who go through boxes of 30-30 Winchester ammo in minutes to those new to the world of firearms. Quality products from Cheaper Than Dirt can help you have a better range day or competition. Explore the selection of bulk ammo, handguns, rifles, accessories, and more.

Get everything you need to practice and drill at the range at https://www.cheaperthandirt.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3wgVvKy

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