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Have you ever wondered if you have sensitive skin and what causes it? You’re not alone! Studies have shown that the majority of women experience some degree of sensitive skin.If you ever experience the following, you might have sensitive skin:

• Redness

• Itchiness

• Irritation

• Dryness

• Tightness

Any number of things can cause sensitive skin on the face or body. Some people are predisposed to sensitive skin, but there are also triggers that exacerbate skin reactions, such as pollution, sun, stress, diet, cosmetics, and skin care formulas with potentially harsh ingredients.

How to Start a Skin Care Routine for Sensitive Skin

If you know your skin is sensitive and you have an idea of what causes it to flare up, then you’re on the right path, and you know what to avoid putting on your skin. But if you need more guidance, here are some specific skin care tips, especially for facial skin. From keeping your skin hydrated with EGF products to lifestyle changes to avoiding fragrances, there’s plenty to pay attention to.

Tip 1: Find Products to Help Strengthen and Restore the Skin Barrier

Your skin barrier is the top layer made of cells and lipids. If it becomes disrupted or damaged, your skin may look dehydrated, red, and rough in texture—it may even lead to breakouts. To keep your skin barrier strong, maintain hydration in the skin with ingredients such as glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and ceramides. Support the skin barrier with moisturizing face creams and serums designed for all skin types to help your skin maintain hydration.

Tip 2: Try EGF Skin Care Products

If you have sensitive skin, you might find that your skin doesn’t tolerate certain anti-aging ingredients. To combat this, try plant-based Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) instead. Barley EGF may help boost your natural collagen production, decrease the look of roughness, and even the look of skin tone without irritation. A growth factor serum is an excellent addition to your existing lineup of products if you have sensitive skin.

Tip 3: Adopt a ‘Less Is More’ Approach

Look for products with minimal, clean ingredients and products free of alcohol, oils, and fragrance. If you stick with skin care products with minimal ingredients, you limit the number and risk of potential irritants.

Also, go with a “less is more” approach to face washing. Over-washing your face strips your skin and weakens the skin barrier. Consider avoiding harsh scrubs as well. Gently pat the skin dry and don’t rub it—especially the delicate skin around your eyes.

Tip 4: Soak Up the Sun Protection

People with sensitive skin may have an increased sensitivity to sun exposure or be more susceptible to sunburn. If you really want to keep UV rays from damaging your skin and keep your skin feeling comfortable, you should apply sunscreen on exposed skin every single day. Moisturizers and makeup with built-in SPF might work for you. But if your products don’t have broad spectrum protection built in, make sure you use an additional product.


BIOEFFECT is an Icelandic skin care brand born out of a love for science and a passion for creating the most effective products possible for your skin using biotechnology. Clean, pure, and age-defying products from BIOEFFECT feature the world’s first plant-based Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) from barley grown in an ecologically-engineered greenhouse in Iceland. Barley EGF, pure Icelandic water, and hyaluronic acid are a few of the powerful ingredients BIOEFFECT uses in its product range. From hydrating face creams to rebalancing facial mist to potent serums for the face and body, BIOEFFECT’s skin care products are ideal for all skin types and adults looking to embrace an excellent anti-aging EGF skin care routine. Enjoy the benefits of award-winning and best-selling products from BIOEFFECT.

If your existing product lineup could use a beneficial boost, try EGF skin care from BIOEFFECT at https://www.bioeffect.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3PKCVSi

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