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May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month; there’s no better time to start checking for melanoma. It’s highly treatable when found early, but the key is looking. Whether it’s checking for melanoma after you use your facial cleanser or checking during a facial at a spa, it’s the right time to build a lifelong habit of examining your skin for signs of skin cancer.

What You Need to Know About Melanoma

Overexposure to UV rays is the most common cause of melanoma, which is the deadliest kind of skin cancer. It’s also the most common cancer in the United States, and your skin can be damaged by the sun in as little as 15 minutes of UV exposure. The most common signs of skin cancer are changes to your skin. This could mean a new growth, a sore that doesn’t heal, or changes to a mole. They can be anywhere on your skin, even places normally protected from the sun or under your fingernails or toenails. Many skin cancers, including melanoma, are easily preventable by protecting your skin.

Apply Sunscreen

One of the easiest ways to help prevent skin cancer is protecting yourself from UVA and UVB rays. Putting on broad-spectrum sunscreen every day, even if you’re spending most of it inside, is essential. Whether you’re working in the yard on a cloudy day, outside playing sports on a sunny day, or just taking an afternoon walk, it’s important you have sunscreen. Don’t forget to reapply it every two hours or even sooner if you’re sweating. Avoid getting sunburn, which also lowers your chance of getting cancer.

Keep Checking

While you’re doing your skincare routine, whether it’s cleansing or putting on serums for face concerns you might have, check your skin. Look for any differences. Look for new moles or moles that have changed in size. Moles that develop notches in the outline are also an indicator. There are also the ABCDEs of melanoma. Look for spots that:

● are Asymmetrical
● have a spreading or notched edge or Border
● are Colored black, blue, red, white, and/or gray
● are getting bigger in Diameter
● or are Evolving, changing, and growing

Moles that itch, tingle, bleed, or weep, look different from your other spots or moles, or are becoming scaly, rough, or ulcerated are also signs of melanoma.

Ask During Facials at Spas

You can also ask your esthetician during facial spa days if they notice any differences. If they do spot something that seems amiss, it might be time to make an appointment with a dermatologist. Otherwise, you can enjoy a facial knowing that you’re protecting your skin, hydrating it, and making it look and feel better. Just don’t forget to put on sunscreen if it’s not part of the facial!

About IMAGE Skincare®

When you curate a comprehensive skincare regimen with clean clinical skincare™ products from IMAGE Skincare®, you can trust that you’re using consciously made, physician-formulated cleansers, serums, and moisturizers. Healthy, happy skin should never require compromising your standards, which is why IMAGE Skincare is dedicated to formulating its product lines with intentionally sourced materials and testing them every step of the way. As a brand at the scientific forefront of the skincare industry, IMAGE Skincare has consistently adapted and modernized their formulas to meet regulatory guidelines and often exceed them. Whether you’re searching for a serum to balance your skin’s microbiome or a tinted moisturizer to hydrate and protect your skin, IMAGE Skincare has you covered.

Find moisturizers with sunscreen and other skincare products at https://imageskincare.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3QLAZJ6

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