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Kitchenware is a challenging industry to break into, and proving your product is better than competitor offerings can be the biggest challenge of all. But the right strategy can help make your product launch a success. You can prepare potential customers for your new product by keeping them informed with impactful content featuring industry experts. From educational content to utilizing product review services, here’s how you can inform and build trust in your brand before the launch.

Educate Consumers

Educating your customer base is one of the foundational strategies for preparing for a successful launch. They need to know your product’s functionality, benefits, and use cases. Reading a wall of text, however, can be counterproductive.

Instead, partner with a full product education platform that can act as a video creative agency. Videos are far more effective in educating your audience than a simple description on your website or a small text box on your product page. Once the product is launched, you can even provide an in-store QR code to further help consumers understand your product at the point of purchase.

Use Experts to Showcase Credibility

Who better to educate your customers than experts in the industry? Find video production services that allow you to collaborate with professional chefs who know their way around a kitchen. They can give a qualified review of your product, comparing and contrasting it with similar products and showing why yours is best for their needs.

For example, a personal chef to celebrities could have the experience you’re looking for to offer an authoritative review. Their hard-earned knowledge can help increase consumer confidence in your product because they know it’s backed by an expert with real industry knowledge. Whether the consumer is a home chef or a professional chef, they’re looking for a source they can trust. Experts fit the bill every time.

Manage Expectations

One of the main reasons consumers return products is because the product does not meet their expectations. This is why educating consumers before they buy your product is vitally important, and it’s even more important before a new product launch.

Managing expectations means your consumers know what to expect. Once again, a professional chef is the best person to explain exactly what your product does and how it can fit in a potential consumer’s kitchen. Understanding use cases means a consumer knows when to use your product and won’t make any inaccurate assumptions about the uses or benefits of your offerings.

Build Trust Before the Launch

In the world of online shopping, building trust in your brand and products is paramount. There is too much misinformation available online. The result? Many products have inaccurate descriptions and reviews that simply don’t match the reality of the product.

By using experts who offer unscripted reviews and informative how-tos, you can optimize your marketing strategy to gain customers’ trust. Consumers see that your brand isn’t trying to hide anything and aren’t afraid to show comparisons to other products. With trust comes brand loyalty. After your launch, they just might be back for more kitchenware from your brand.

About The Desire Company

Building trust with your consumer base is a core part of establishing brand loyalty. To help your brand thrive in the digital marketplace, authenticity is paramount. With the FTC’s crackdown on fake reviews and the #deinfluencing trend, consumers have shown that they value unscripted opinions and honest advice from credible sources above all else. The Desire Company is ready to help your brand go beyond hollow product recommendations from celebrities, paid influencers, and pseudo-experts. They’re more than a typical video production company or creative agency. The Desire Company is a complete product education platform that can match your brand with industry experts in their Pro Community, combining content strategy, expert vetting, video embed technology, and multi-channel media distribution. It’s the perfect way to keep your audience informed, not influenced.

Learn how The Desire Company can help optimize your kitchenware product launch at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/4biQJeR

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