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Explainer videos, as the name implies, help explain your product or brand to potential customers. When you partner with a promotional video production company, there are a few types of videos you might want to create to help consumers understand your product and brand better before they make a purchase decision. Each of these four examples has a place in your marketing strategy to connect with your customers.

Product Recommendations and Reviews

The first type of video you might want when you partner with a video creative agency or product education platform is a product recommendation or review video. The product education platform can match your product with an industry expert. Their credibility adds a certain weight to their recommendation that customers know they can trust. An unscripted review by a professional is both informed and authentic, which can help fight against the vast sea of misinformation on the internet. Whether you run them as ads, on your social media platform, or at the point of purchase, an expert’s recommendation gives consumers the confidence they need to make an educated purchase decision.

High-Level How-To Videos

A high-level how-to video can make all the difference for a potential customer scanning a QR code in an aisle of a retail store. An expert can share all the important details that could result in a conversion to set your product and brand apart from competitor offerings. Educate potential customers on the basics of your product, such as the most important features they need to know, use cases, and maybe a few tips and tricks. It’s a quick overview rather than an in-depth tutorial on how to use it. These videos both increase sales and time on retail sites.

In-Depth Classes

In-depth “classes” are longer than the high-level how-to videos. These videos are more detailed than you would show someone in a retail store, but they are excellent additions to product pages on retail sites. A 10-minute tutorial on how to make dinner with your kitchenware product, taught by a professional chef who can give tips and tricks based on their real-world experience, can help potential customers gain a better understanding of your product. Experts at the top of their game can help your customers reach their own potential. The right piece of advice could help increase their skills when using your product or even master a new technique.

Humanize Your Brand with a Founder Story

Finally, if you are partnering with a complete product education platform for professional video services, you can use their expertise to humanize your brand. Every brand has a unique story behind it, so let your brand’s founder tell that story. This can help form a bond between your brand and the customer. It’s a great way to highlight the “why” behind your product: why it was made and why it can help the customer in their daily life. Plus, when a customer feels a connection to your brand, it’s the all-important first step in earning their trust and loyalty.

About The Desire Company

Building genuine brand loyalty is a vital part of establishing trust with potential customers. Today’s digital marketplace is full of fake reviews and misinformation, and the FTC is cracking down on them. Plus, celebrities’ and paid influencers’ credibility is declining. As a result, consumers value honest advice and helpful feedback from reputable sources more than ever. The Desire Company goes beyond strategies like product endorsements from paid influencers, celebrities, and fake experts. They’re more than just a creative agency or video production company. The Desire Company is a complete product education platform. The Desire Company is a complete product education solution that combines content strategy, expert vetting, and matching with their vast Pro Community, video embed technology, and media distribution to keep your audience informed, not influenced.

See how The Desire Company can help your brand create explainer videos at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original source: https://bit.ly/3Lf8q3A

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