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The more you golf, the lower your handicap, right? But when you see your scores steadily climb and you find yourself stuck in bunker after bunker, one thing’s for sure: You’re in a slump.

Don’t worry, it’s not permanent. In fact, sometimes, the simplest solutions can help.

From upgrading to custom-fit golf club sets to going back to the basics, here are four ways to break out of your slump.

Schedule a Custom Golf Club Fitting with an Expert

We all like to blame our clubs from time to time. But there are some instances where your chronic case of shanks is actually because of your clubs. If your clubs aren’t fitted to your swing and playing style, they might be holding you back.

To remedy this and break out of your slump, it’s time to add some custom golf clubs to your bag.

Schedule a fitting with an expert—you can start with just one club, like your gap wedge, or go with a full set—and start building a set that works with your swing. Soon, you’ll have high-quality custom clubs, and suddenly, your slump will be nothing more than a few dark days in your golf journal.

Stop Practicing and Start Playing

It’s easy to think that the best way to get out of a slump is to practice more. Makes sense, right? So you grab three buckets of balls and hit the driving range until the groundskeeper forces you off because it’s too dark.

Instead of helping, practicing this much can actually hurt in many instances. You start overthinking things and might even ingrain your mistakes because you don’t know how your shots are playing on an actual course.

So, instead of hitting hundreds of balls at the range, just get out and play. Work through your slump on an actual fairway. Don’t worry about your scores. Just find little ways to improve and appreciate every little victory.

Get Back to the Basics

Small details like foot placement couldn’t be the cause of your slump, right?

Sometimes, the most basic tips you learned when you first started golfing can be the most powerful. An improper stance, a loose grip, or forgetting to keep your eye on the ball can have drastic consequences on your score.

So take a moment and think back to your first years golfing. Are you still nailing all the basics? If not, take some time to return to the beginning and give yourself a refresher on all the fundamentals.

Find a Way to Improve Your Confidence on the Course

If you feel good, you play good. A slump can be the result of a bad mood just as much as bad technique. So, look for a way to feel better on the golf course to improve your scores again.

This could be stylish and comfortable golf apparel. Maybe your old golf clothes are too restricting or stuffy. Switch to something that fits perfectly, breathes just right, and provides that “look good, feel good” vibe.

Or you can spend some time meditating before each hole. Stretch at the beginning of the round. Promise yourself a nice steak after the round. Whatever it takes to make yourself feel good. Then, you can channel those good vibes into your play and kick that slump to the curb once and for all.

About PXG

Nothing beats the sweet sound of a perfect drive hitting off your club and soaring down the fairway, setting you up for an easy iron shot right onto the green. PXG clubs were made for moments like these. Their clubs feature the most advanced technology, intuitive design, and spectacular aesthetics for a golfing experience that can’t be beat. From the moment you meet with a PXG Master Fitter to your first hole with your 0311 GEN6 Driver, there’s no doubt that you’ve found the best clubs for you. Whether you need a complete golf club set, new hybrid golf clubs, or apparel from the best golf store Houston, Chicago, and cities across the country offer, PXG is the place for you.

Get out of your slump with clubs built for you, available at https://www.pxg.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3Zo62h3

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