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With every new year comes new marketing opportunities. It’s the perfect time to kick off a new campaign or supplement your current product marketing strategies with new efforts. From partnering with experts who use your products to utilizing a product education platform with the capabilities of a promotional video production company, you can take action to build trust and loyalty with your consumer base. Here are four ideas to help you get started.

Educate Your Consumer Base

An essential strategy is to make sure you’re educating your consumer base about your product. They should already have a good idea of how and when to use it, along with tips and tricks for using your product, before they even buy it. This helps manage their expectations. When they know what to expect, they are far less likely to return the product. You can partner with a product education platform that acts as an explainer video production company to make sure anyone browsing your site has a clear picture of your offerings. By creating content to educate your consumer base, you can start building a connection with potential customers.

Partner with Experts

Speaking of explainer video companies, you should prioritize finding a partner that is also a full product education platform and can connect you with experts in your product’s field. That means they regularly use your product. These experts are ideal for creating content such as explaining tips and tricks because they use your product in their professional life. They don’t need to learn about your product to explain everything there is to love about it—they already know everything through their own experience.

It’s a major difference from just using influencers who are hired to hype a product. In fact, most consumers don’t believe influencers actually use the products they promote or that they’re even qualified to speak about the product in the first place. An expert, on the other hand, has the necessary experience with your product to speak with authenticity.

Spotlight Authentic Reviews

With the FTC cracking down on fake reviews, it’s worth putting the spotlight on authentic reviews. By connecting with experts in your industry, you have a perfect source for qualified, authoritative reviews of your product. They know the pros and cons of your product and can explain them from a professional’s point of view. After all, it’s hard to fake a video review from a known professional. Strategies like this can let your customer base know they are seeing an authentic review they can trust.

Build Trust and Loyalty

Trust and customer loyalty are more important than ever. Being able to compare your product to competitor offerings is another excellent way to show authenticity. It’s all too easy to have AI write fake reviews. But real customers see right through it. It’s another thing entirely to partner with real experts who actually use your products. Real reviews that potential customers can trust build loyalty and are likely to be more effective in helping consumers try your products and even become a return customer. Trust in the online marketplace can be a significant factor in purchase decisions, and that’s why it should be the foundation of your marketing strategy in the new year.

About The Desire Company

Honest reviews are more important than ever in the digital age, and consumers are always searching for brands they can trust. But earning their trust is tricky, especially when many consumers no longer trust influencer promotions. The Desire Company aims to help brands enhance their product education efforts and build trust with honest advice and unscripted truth from industry experts. They’re so much more than a simple creative agency or video production company. The Desire Company is a complete product education solution that combines content strategy, expert vetting, matching with their vast Pro Community, video embed technology, and media distribution. With authentic expert testimony, your brand can establish credibility and help your customers stay informed, not influenced.

Get the help you need to market your products in the new year with The Desire Company at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3TcGNgN

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