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Anyone who has ever had a professional massage will tell you that a few well-placed elbows to the back can do some major magic. You leave a high-quality, professional massage feeling very calm but also oddly strong. It seems like you only needed to iron out a few kinks. It turns out that such advantages are real, not simply hearsay. No, the effectiveness of massage therapy is supported by decades of scientific research, some of the most important of which are only a few years old (in the realm of science).

You probably already know that receiving a massage improves both your physical and mental well-being, but it's still important to understand why. We've put together information regarding five of the main advantages of Therapeutic Massage because Ahmad Sprouse, DC, and his team at Therapeutic Massage In Croydon sincerely want you to understand how your body responds to massage.

1. Massage Eases Aching And Tight Muscles

You may feel as though climbing a typical flight of stairs is a 20-mile, uphill camping trip after a challenging workout, whatever that term means to you. One of the best rehabilitation methods for aching muscles after exercise, especially in elite athletes, is therapeutic massage.

Massage therapy can lessen body pain in patients who suffer from chronic pain or any syndrome in which pain is a side effect, in addition to relieving tired muscles. According to studies, therapeutic massage helps ease pain from fibromyalgia, surgery, and other conditions.

2. Massage Soothes Tension And Stress

Most adults today are overburdened with tasks and responsibilities, many of which are more than they can handle on any one day. These duties and responsibilities include endless to-do lists, work deadlines, family obligations, and trying to keep up with the antics of all your pals. While there is a greater awareness of the shocking status of mental health, being busy continues to be viewed as a virtue. Your daily levels of tension and anxiety may be lessened with regular massages. It feels nice to take some time for oneself, and massage therapy has been scientifically shown to promote relaxation of the body and mind. Massage relaxes your muscles and calms your fight-or-flight response, which is frequently activated in humans and keeps us feeling anxious. Massage also promotes mental clarity and lessens worry.

3. A Massage Can Improve Your Sleep

Today, sleep deprivation is as common as stress and anxiety. Consider including frequent massages into your wellness routine if you need a little assistance relaxing. Researchers have shown that receiving therapeutic massage can improve your sleep efficiency and quality. Even massage therapy has been shown to increase sleep quality in patients who struggle with insomnia.

4. Massage Can Strengthen Your Immune System

You can gain from therapeutic massage if you feel like you get colds or other mild illnesses frequently. According to research, massage treatment may help you have more lymphocytes in your blood, a type of white blood cell that protects your body from disease. Additionally, research has shown that massage therapy helps lower illness indicators like cortisol and inflammation.

5. Massage Can Improve Your Range Of Motion And Flexibility

Do you have any toes? You can benefit from a massage if you recently tried to touch your toes but failed (even if you can touch, you can still benefit). Massage treatment increases your body's soft tissue flexibility and range of motion by working on your joints. Any stimulation of the muscle and connective tissue can enhance these characteristics, but sports massage is particularly well known for its impact on movement functionality. Researchers assume that this happens because massage therapy relaxes the muscles, enhances lymphatic circulation, and stimulates blood flow to the joints. Are you prepared to benefit from a massage? Call our office right now to make an appointment at Therapeutic Massage in Croydon.



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