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When it comes to writing your IELTS essays, there are a few common mistakes people make during their ielts online classes that you should avoid. Here are five of the most common ones:

  1. Focusing on perfectionism – 

It's important to be objective when writing your essays, but don't let this turn into a mentality of “everything has to be perfect.” There is room for improvement in all areas of your performance, and focusing too much on making every sentence flawless will only lead to frustration and disappointment.

  1. Ignoring the structure of an essay – 

A good essay is organized and flows smoothly from one section to the next. Make sure that each paragraph contains a coherent argument and uses relevant examples to support your points. Don't rely solely on facts or figures; use words instead if possible!

  1. Not understanding what makes good English – 

When you're reading other people's work, it can be helpful to break down their sentences into basic elements such as subject matter (elements), verbs (action), objectives (sources or reasons), complementaries (additional information) and so forth. This will make it easier for you to write in the future because you'll have a better understanding of how they put their arguments together.

  1. Skipping over essential vocabulary – 

One major mistake that many students make is not learning enough words before starting their essays. Knowing the right terms can go a long way in accurately communicating your ideas without resorting to awkward abbreviations or constructed phrases.. 

  1. Focusing only on grammar and style

While these are important aspects of any piece of writing, don’t forget about the content itself! Keep in mind that if something seems too good to be true, it generally is!  Make sure your arguments are sound and that the evidence you provide to support them is appropriate

  1. Not Making Enough Advance Planning: Before beginning the essay, be sure you have a clear understanding of what you want to express. Writing without any preconceived ideas can lead to more thoughtful and flowing writing. This also allows for easier revisions if needed.
  1. Focusing Too Much On The Words Themselves: Overthinking things can actually take away from the quality of your work overall. Keep in mind that what is on the page isn't as important as how it makes readers feel . Don't worry too much about making errors – they can be corrected later if necessary (and hopefully with less stress!). Remember, English isn't perfect so don't expect it to be! 
  1. Focusing on the wrong elements. Make sure that all of your arguments and evidence are well-presented, and that you don't neglect any important points in favor of more minor points.
  1. Not sequencing your paragraphs logically. Keep your essay flowing from one idea to the next, and make sure each paragraph builds upon the previous one.
  1. Misusing English words unnecessarily or incorrectly. Don't use slang or improper grammar in order to sound smarter; it will only make you look foolish instead! stick to standard English unless there is a specific reason why you need to deviate from this norm (for example, if discussing a technical topic).
  1. Making assumptions about what readers know or understand without providing enough information for them to form an informed opinion on their own behalf. Always provide explanations for any terms or concepts that might be unfamiliar to readers, and include examples where appropriate so they can better understand what you're trying to say..   
  1. Trying too hard to be clever or witty when unnecessary – A good essay should be easy enough for anyone who wants to read it straight through without having TOO much trouble understanding it..
  1. Choosing the wrong language for your audience

If you're targeting an international audience specifically (for example), then use specific terms related to their culture or profession instead of general English words/phrases. Doing this will make your essay more accessible and engaging for those who are reading it in its original language..   

For example , when I was preparing my UK GRE preparation materials, I used British English terminology throughout because I knew most people would be reading them in Britain rather than in America where I live..   Similarly , using businessese instead of everyday language during technical explanations may confuse less experienced readers 

The best way to find out would be to try out several options and see which ones work best for your unique situation and needs. You can also ask friends or family members who have taken the IELTS online training if they recommend a particular program or course. Whichever path you take, make sure to complete your study upfront to ensure that your training yields the best outcomes possible.


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