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5 Creative And Valuable Home Improvement Advertising Ideas

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If you are a home improvement business owner looking to learn some creative advertising ideas, this is where your search ends.

Big home improvement brands don’t think twice before spending large sums of money on advertising, but small business owners can’t afford to go about the same route. However, getting creative with your advertising strategy can help you attract the right customers without breaking the bank. 

When you are out of ideas on how to get your customers' attention, feel free to hit the reset button and get back to basics. 

Read this blog to learn about some of the best creative advertising ideas to capture the imagination of your customers and grow your home improvement business.

Here are the five best creative home improvement advertising ideas to attract more customers.

1.Use Relatable Images And Videos.

Using images and videos your existing and future customers can easily relate to is one of the best ways to attract new leads. Customers pay more attention when they see themselves in the ad.

The image below is an example your customers can relate to easily. 

Most people aren’t comfortable painting their homes on their own, and this image depicts how messy it can get. It can quickly attract your potential customers towards your brand, with a likelihood of them consulting and even hiring your services.

2. Offer Special And Unique Incentives.

Once you have the attention of your prospective customers, engage them further by offering some special or unique incentives. 

It’s not always the biggest discounts driving traffic to home centers or lumberyards, but those timely and necessary sales occurring at the right time. Here are a few examples if your home center is in the north of the US.

  • 10% off Lawn & Garden in April
  • Buy One Get One (BOGO) Power Tool Sale in December
  • $15 Propane Fill-up Memorial Day weekend

You shouldn’t forget to use specific sale-ends dates or mention that your offer applies till stock lasts.

Moreover, advertising incentives aren’t only about sales. There are several other ways to attract customers, such as by offering:

  • 0% or low-interest financing 
  • Free or low-cost delivery on select items
  • Complimentary one-time consultation

Always keep the incentive short but effective.

3. Do Things Differently.

Sometimes, you need to get creative and do things differently to stay ahead of the competition. Think of engaging ideas for your ad campaigns to attract more customers your way. Elevate your marketing game with a simple switch-up. For instance, share videos instead of pictures.

  • Feature your staff to show how courteous they are and dedicated to providing the best customer service.
  • Feature your crew working at a site, transforming spaces.
  • Post before and after images or videos of your projects.
  • Share testimonials from your previous customers. 

People tend to remember content that is more visually appealing. While using text in your creatives, break up and highlight the text by using creative yet readable fonts.

4. Include A Call-To-Action (CTA).

It is best to include a clear CTA in your home improvement ads to maximize the impact and generate a better response. It also helps guide your customers to take subsequent action.  

It’s easy to include call-to-action buttons like Call Now or Send Message for digital ads. But you can include your website address or a short text code for print, radio, and TV ads.

5. Be Personal.

Don’t be afraid to be personal. Show off what makes your brand different from the rest. What you can do is:

  • Feature your employees loading new products.
  • Let everyone know that you sponsor Eagle Scout projects.
  • Showcase your latest designs and creations.

Social media networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others allow you to be more personal with your audience. So keep this in mind when creating social media ads for your home improvement business.

Moving forward

People are always looking to get help from industry experts. You can establish your home improvement brand as a leader by creatively leveraging your ads. 

Consider downloading the Practina app if you want to take your home improvement business’s social media marketing to the next level. 

Practina is a comprehensive marketing tool that can manage your social media and help you create ads for Google, Facebook, and Instagram so you can quickly reach customers who are actively looking for services like yours.



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