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Online marketing or digital marketing has rapidly become a prerequisite for anyone who wants to achieve online visibility. Without the right digital marketing knowledge and strategy, it is not uncommon to get lost in between a myriad of websites.

There are numerous myths and misconceptions floating around the web and among common business owners. In this article, we are gonna burst them all for you.

The online marketing services in london industry is so complex that it’s tough to define the dos and don'ts. To make you aware, we have compiled 5 digital marketing myths in this post.

1 – Adopt Digital, Drop Traditional

On each social media agency in london or digital marketing agency website one thing in common they want to convince users for adopting digital marketing and dropping traditional methods. No doubt digital marketing is highly important for your business; however, it should not be the only medium of your marketing plan. Try mixing it with some traditional marketing activities like direct mails and print advertisements. It’s true that marketing through social media and digital channels is fast and cost-effective, but, a large volume of consumers still search for a brand online after reading or hearing about it somewhere offline.

“Digital marketing and conventional marketing go hand-in-hand for proper success.”

2 – Focus Only On One Medium

It is one of the most common myths about digital marketing. It seems viable advice as it becomes easy to turn on to only one platform and stave-off all others. But, it costs miserably when your customer wants to know your business’s presence on that other platform that you omitted. If you really want to grow your business line then it’s better to plunge on multiple mediums and uncover multiple ways to achieve the target.

3 – Social Media Is Only About Going Viral

This is true that going viral on social media can do wonders for your brand. But, not every post or video you share on social media sites goes viral and that’s admissible. The main purpose of sharing content on social media is to create buzz and stay in touch with your audience consistently. So if you have assumed this misconception, repel it and start working on a devised strategy for marketing through social media in london.

4 – It’s Expensive

While it’s right that you have to spend money to really start a fully-fledged marketing campaign on Facebook or Twitter, but overall digital marketing is based on the concept of “pay for what you get”. So if you partner with a social media agency in london, make sure it guarantees results for the money you spend on digital marketing with it.

5 – Digital Marketing Is About Getting Huge Traffic

You might be already aware of different channels that are used to generate traffic in digital marketing. They are Search Engine Optimization, Pay-per-Click Advertising, Email Marketing, Blogging, and others. Once you start paying to Google or Facebook for ads, you start getting traffic to your site (according to your campaign and target audience). But, getting “traffic” or “likes” is not going to help if you’re delivering poor service or products. More traffic does not always mean more conversions.

There are several other myths about digital marketing. But instead of sticking to them, you can choose to consult a digital marketing company to clear doubts and to get professional online marketing services in london.