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Employee appreciation is a big deal. It’s a great way to encourage employee engagement within your organization and can help promote a healthy company culture. If you’re looking for additional inspiration and exciting ways to show your team you value their contributions and recognize their achievements, look no further than these five workplace holidays. The year is packed with holidays aimed at giving back to the people who keep your organization running smoothly. Whether you celebrate these occasions with a catered lunch or gifts for employees, taking time to put your team front and center can make a difference in their day, week, month, and even their year. Here are a few opportunities for celebration you won’t want to miss.

Employee Appreciation Day—March 4

Every year, the first Friday of March is Employee Appreciation Day. It’s a catchall day to recognize employees of all kinds. Every business celebrates this day in their own way, but it’s a great excuse to go the extra mile for your team. Food is always a great option, as are employee gifts. Ahead of Employee Appreciation Day, managers or team leaders can take time to find the right employee gifts for their team. Keep it simple or take it up a notch. Just don’t let this day fly under the radar!

Administrative Assistants & Professionals Day—April 27

While there may be a day that covers all employees, there are plenty of other days that are meant to recognize specific team members. April 27 is Administrative Assistants and Professionals Day. It’s the day set aside for folks who provide admin support to executives, managers, and the whole team. Administrative assistants often help keep things running smoothly—and their efforts can often be underappreciated. It all comes down to the fact that, when things are running smoothly, they are doing their job right. That deserves recognition!

Receptionist Day—May 11

Receptionist Day might share some crossover with Administrative Assistants & Professionals Day, but that’s okay! May 11 is dedicated to receptionists. They frequently serve as the first point of contact for any business. They might take and direct calls, book appointments, meet visitors at the front door, and so much more. They can be a critical part of keeping your business moving. As such, they deserve to be showered with recognition, too.

Human Resource Professional Day—September 26

Don’t forget about the HR pros! September 26 is their day. They often do a lot of work behind the scenes. Plus, many team members might not regularly interact with HR, so it’s that much more important to bring the Human Resources team to the forefront to recognize their accomplishments and highlight their contributions to the business.

Employee Anniversaries and More—All Year Long

There are far too many appreciation days to list here, but there’s one more that should always be on the calendar—employee anniversaries! It’s the day that commemorates when an employee first joined your company. Use this occasion to bestow them with employee anniversary gifts and other goodies. Highlighting employee anniversaries shows that you’re paying attention to each team member’s journey, and it’s yet another way to show how much their hard work is valued.

About Successories

Successories is committed to your success! For over 30 years, Successories has built their brand on providing high-quality employee recognition gifts, awards, and motivational products for businesses and organizations of all sizes. Gifts and awards can help strengthen your company culture, drive employee engagement, and help your business manifest its core values. Successories offers a wide range of products, including personalized gifts, that make finding your perfect employee appreciation strategy incredibly easy. When you’re looking for a reliable motivator for your team, start with the inspiration that Successories delivers. After all, an inspired workplace makes for a productive environment—and a successful one.

Check out employee gifts for every occasion at https://www.successories.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3Foqwea

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