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5 Excellent Learning from Kickboxing a Kid Won’t Learn Anywhere Else

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I'm sure you've heard of the importance of exercise for kids. But did you know that kickboxing can help them grow as people? Kickboxing is a great way to help your child build strength, coordination, and self-confidence — all while having fun! Here are five things my kids have learned from San Jose kickboxing classes that they won't learn anywhere else:

  1. “You don't have to be the best at something to try it.”

The first lesson is that it's okay to try something and fail. You can always try again. And even if you don't succeed, you'll be better for having tried.

This applies not only to physical activities but also to other areas of your life as well: schoolwork, friendships, romantic relationships–the list goes on! The important thing is that kids learn this lesson early on so they don't develop a fear of failure later in life when those stakes are higher (like at work).

  1. “The world opens up when you see it as a challenge.”

Kickboxing is a challenge. It's hard, and it requires more work than most people are willing to put in. But it's worth it because the world opens up when you see it as a challenge instead of an obstacle.

When you're faced with something difficult, like learning kickboxing or studying for exams, there are two ways to approach it: You can choose to find reasons why it's impossible for you and give up; or, you can realize how valuable the experience will be if you overcome the difficulty. If we want our kids to grow up with this kind of positive outlook on life–and who doesn't?–we need them practicing those skills early on so they don't have any bad habits forming around fearfulness or self-doubt later in life.

  1. “It's okay to be hurt sometimes.”

One of the biggest lessons your child will learn from kickboxing is that it's okay to be hurt sometimes. It's also okay to feel upset, scared and vulnerable. In fact, these are all normal feelings for kids and adults!

You might think that learning this will make them more likely to get into fights at school or with friends but in reality it does just the opposite: when they realize that everyone experiences these emotions sometimes and there are ways of dealing with them without resorting immediately back into violence (e.g., talking through feelings) they'll feel less likely than ever before because now they have tools available which help deal with these situations in a healthy way.

  1. “Failure is part of growing up.”

Failure is part of growing up. It's not a bad thing; it just means you're learning and trying new things, which is something you should be doing as much as possible. Failure teaches us about ourselves, helps us grow as people and can even make us stronger in the end.

However, some kids may start to feel defeated by their failures or think that they are not good enough because they have failed at something before (or several times). If this happens to your child then be sure to reassure them that it's okay for them not to get things right all the time–as long as they keep trying!

  1. “You are not alone in what you're going through.”

You will experience many struggles and successes, but there will be others who have experienced similar things and can help guide you through them.

The same goes for failure–you won't be the first or last person to fail at something, but the lessons learned from those failures can help others down the line avoid making similar mistakes themselves.

Kickboxing can help kids really grow up

Kickboxing is a great way to get kids moving, and that's one of the best things you can do for them. It helps them learn how to be disciplined, physically fit and mentally fit all at once.

Kickboxing teaches kids self-control; they have to learn how to not only control their bodies but also their minds. They have to focus on what they're doing in order to not only succeed at kickboxing but also prevent injuries while doing it!


So, what have we learned? Kickboxing is a great way to help kids grow up. It teaches them how to deal with failure and how to handle being hurt. It also helps them understand that they aren't alone in their struggles and that there are people out there who care about them no matter what happens. By learning these lessons through kickboxing classes at your local gym or at kids camp in Los Gatos, your child will be able to overcome obstacles faster than ever before!


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