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Pull-ups: They’re a staple exercise that offers a ton of benefits. From sculpting your back, shoulders, and arms to building functional strength in your entire upper body and core, pull-ups do it all.

But what if you can’t do one? No problem!

Everyone starts somewhere, and with a little practice and time, you’ll be doing your first unassisted pull-up in no time. The next time you go to one of your favorite Elk Grove gyms, here are a few exercises to try that will help you build up to your first bodyweight pull-up.

Assisted Pull-Ups

Progressive overload is how you achieve PRs on the bench press, squat, and any other exercise, and the assisted pull-up machine is the best tool to help you become familiar with the movement and strengthen your arms, back, and core. Instead of using your full body weight, you use a pull-up machine or a resistance band at the best gym Roseville has to offer to help reduce the resistance.

On a pull-up machine, you adjust the weight based on how much help you need. The more weight you set, the easier the pull-up will be. The same goes for the resistance band. A stronger band will give you more support on the way up.

Dead Hangs

Dead hangs are a practical build-up to pull-ups because they can be done practically anywhere. If you’re at the gym, a regular pull-up bar is the perfect spot.

All you have to do is assume a regular pull-up position, palms facing down with your grip just wider than your shoulders, and engage your core to lift your legs up. Then, you just hang from the bar as long as you can. A minute should be your goal. Do 3 to 4 deadhangs and look to improve your time every day until you can start pulling yourself up.

Inverted Row

A bodyweight or inverted row, works out many of the same muscles as a bent-over-row but is easier to keep a good form and requires no additional weight.

You’ll use a Smith machine or adjustable barbell rack. Then, position your handholds roughly around waist height. Lower them for a more challenging workout, raise them for an easier one.

Finally, extend your arms full while holding onto the bar. Once your arms are straight, perform one rep by pulling your chest back up to the bar.

It should feel like a pull-up but on an incline. And with enough of these in your routine, you’ll get to a regular pull-up in no time.

Lat Pulldowns

At most cable machines, you’ll find a pulldown spot. This is an excellent exercise for your back muscles, specifically your latissimus dorsi or “lats.”

Start by gripping the bar roughly at shoulder-width. Keep your back straight and your chest pointed up. Then, pull down, making sure to use your back to pull and not your arms. Pick a weight you can do around 8 to 12 reps before failure. Once you get past that, increase the weight until you’re ready to try a bodyweight pull-up. Even after you’ve started doing full pull-ups, lat pulldowns should still be a part of your routine, as this movement allows you to build even more back strength.

Negative Pull-Ups

Negative pull-ups are the opposite of your standard pull-ups. Instead of going up, you’re going down.

Use a box to step up to the top of the pull-up position with your chin above the bar. Then, lower yourself slowly down to a hanging position. That’s one rep. Jump back up and repeat. The slower you go, the stronger you get.

Add these exercises to your routine, and you’ll be doing pull-ups before you know it.

About California Family Fitness

Working out is more than a hobby—it’s a lifestyle, and you need a health club that uplifts and supports you at every stage of your fitness journey. California Family Fitness does all that and more. Whether you’re a busy parent, an experienced weightlifter, or a HIIT enthusiast, Cal Fit has everything you need to build an amazing fitness routine. From the latest weight machines to the best pools in Sacramento, there’s something for everyone. Plus, with personal training, small-group training, and studio fitness classes, you can take your workout to the next level. As the best gym Roseville, Elk Grove, and other cities in the greater Sacramento area have to offer, California Family Fitness is the best place to start or continue your fitness journey.

Master your pull-up form with all the machines and weights available at https://www.californiafamilyfitness.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3QidLun

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