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5 Facts about Liposuction You Must Know Before Going for it

Getting rid of fat is not an easy task. No matter how extensive your workout routine is or how strict your diet is, some stubborn fat refuses to leave your body. Your thighs, arms, and abdomen are the areas where the unwanted fat accumulates the most unwilling to burn. This is when people go for Liposuction. It is a cosmetic procedure wherein such stubborn fat is removed by an expert liposuction surgeon. For the amazing result that a well-performed liposuction procedure provides, it has been a popular procedure among people who cannot lose fat despite countless efforts and years of struggle.

Although Liposuction is a very popular method of removing extra fat cells from the body, there are several misconceptions regarding the procedure. Most myths need to be addressed to remove the unwarranted fear from people’s minds. Finding the best liposuction surgeon in Mumbai is the first thing you could do to understand the basic concepts of Liposuction and the facts related to it.

Here are some common misconceptions about Liposuction-  

1. Liposuction is Dangerous

One of the most common myths about Liposuction is that it is dangerous for your health. Many people believe Liposuction is hazardous and stay away from it. The truth is that every other medical procedure that requires surgery is a matter of concern. It contains certain risk factors and drawbacks. That is why it is important to choose a doctor who is skilled and has years of experience. Going under the knife is always risky, and going with a doctor without experience can increase the chances of it. Moreover, there are certain mandates you need to abide by after the surgery to recover faster. Neglecting any of them can cause serious trouble to your health.

2. Liposuction doesn’t Help You Lose Weight

Liposuction removes stubborn fat from your body, but the fact that it helps you lose weight is a myth. There is no document of people losing a significant amount of weight after a liposuction procedure. In reality, the weight most patients lose after Liposuction is less than 2-5lbs, which is extremely low. Liposuction is not meant to help people lose weight; it is a process that targets the fat pockets to remove the cellulite from the body so certain body parts get rid of the unwanted fat deposit and look slim and toned. Losing weight is only possible with the right diet and proper exercise.

3. Removed Fat will Return after Liposuction

One of the most popular myths about Liposuction is that the fat deposit is removed by the procedure and comes back even after the surgery. This is completely a misconception because Liposuction is a permanent treatment. This means your body will not grow again once the fat deposit is removed. However, some fats might be left underneath the skin that can grow in size and cover the surrounding areas. To prevent that, you must adopt a healthy lifestyle. Your daily routine must include routine exercise and a proper diet. You spend thousands on a treatment like Liposuction, and then encouraging yourself to binge-eat will never keep you in shape.

4. Liposuction is the Easiest Way to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Liposuction is a great procedure to target localized fat. It helps you get rid of stubborn fat from specific body parts. This can be anything but an easy task. However, it sounds like a simple method where you lie in the operation theatre and appear slim. As Liposuction has nothing to do with weight loss, you need to improve your lifestyle post-surgery to stay in shape. As far as belly fat is concerned, Liposuction does not fix that. It is a procedure that only targets fat deposits between the layers of the skin and the muscle. A fat belly is mainly a result of an accumulation of fat underneath the muscle and around the outer periphery of the internal organs. Therefore, Liposuction cannot help people with belly fat. Only a proper diet plan and exercise routine can fix that.

5. Liposuction is Only for Women

Liposuction is not a gender-biased treatment. It is a general procedure where stubborn fat cells are targeted and removed from the body, be it a male or female body. Over the years, Liposuction has been a popular method to eliminate unwanted fat among men and women. Many male patients are considering using this modern-day technique to remove unappealing fat and achieve a toned and defined body. It is one of the safest procedures, so men and women can make the most of it.

Conclusion : Whether you want to undergo a liposuction procedure is a serious decision. If you are considering Liposuction, contact the best plastic surgeon in Pune. Get a consultation first to understand how the doctor will perform the surgery on you and what results you should expect. If the answers satisfy you, go for this to achieve the beautiful body you have always dreamt of.



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